
Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services

Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services

The Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services is part of the nationwide Kanta services. In Kanta, social welfare client data is easily and securely available to professionals.

If the social care service provider uses an electronic client information system, it must store the client data in the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services. Social welfare service providers will deploy the Kanta services within legally defined transition periods by 1 September 2026.

Kanta brings together client data from public and private social care providers. Professionals record the information in their own client information system, from where it is then stored in Kanta. 

Up-to-date client data is readily available in Kanta, even if the client moves to a different municipality. In addition, the information can be accessed by the client in MyKanta, which improves the flow of information between the professional and the client. 

The deployment process of the service progresses in phases.

If a unit within social welfare also provides health services, the patient records documented in the unit must be stored in the Patient Data Repository.

Functionalities and data content of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services

Functionalities of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services

Social care providers should implement the functionalities required by the obligation to join the service stated in the Client Data Act as soon as possible to get the most out of the service.

Register access right of social welfare services

Data is processed using a right of access to the register if, for example, a wellbeing services county obtains a social service from a private service provider.

Old client data from social welfare services 

Client data generated prior to joining Kanta can be stored as old client data in the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services.

Instructions and support for customers of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services 

The deployment of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services will change procedures and the way data is managed. The Kanta services provide information and support at different stages of the customer relationship.

Social care service providers use the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services in accordance with national operating models. This includes harmonised recording practices, principles of the use and sharing of data, and compliance with a self-monitoring plan.

Learn more about operating models using Kanta’s online training materials

You can learn about operating models relating to the use of Kanta using Kanta’s convenient online training schools (available only in Finnish and Swedish).

The online training schools for social welfare are:

  • Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services (Sosiaalihuollon asiakastiedon arkiston toimintatavat)
  • Social and health care customers under the age of 18 (Alaikäinen asiakkaana sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa)
  • Sharing of social welfare and health care data and health care services (Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon tietojen luovuttaminen)

The client can use MyKanta to view the data that has been stored about them in the Client Data Repository. Social welfare client data will become available gradually, depending on when social welfare service providers make the required changes to their client information systems. 

The Kanta services provide support materials for communicating the change.

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The data stored in the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services is stored securely. The data does not need to be archived in any other systems, which makes storage more straightforward. All data transfers between social care and the Kanta services are encrypted.

A social welfare professional may only search for and view client data if it is necessary to manage the client’s case. Social welfare services manage who has the right to process client data in information systems. 

Professionals using data from Kanta must identify themselves using an ID card for regulated professionals in social and health care.
Searching for information in the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services always leaves a traceable log. The log information shows who processed the data. This can be used to monitor the lawful use of data.

Client data stored in the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services is always available to the controller. If client data is retrieved from another social welfare controller’s register, this constitutes data sharing, for which the client’s consent is required.

However, consent is not required in situations in which social welfare service providers and authorities have the right to obtain information under the Client Data Act. 

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Last updated 18.2.2025