
Ammattilaiset kärkinosto

A daughter shows something on her phone to her father.

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The Introduction to MyKanta brochures have been updated. Please check that your workplace has the latest MyKanta brochures available and discard any old brochures. You can order new brochures free of charge on the Order Brochures page.

Palvelunosto-moninosto ammattilaiset

Kanta Services for professionals

Patient data repository

The service gathers all of a patient’s healthcare data in one place for improved data mobility. The use of the Patient data repository can be expanded with various functionalities, such as acting on behalf of a minor.

The Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services

With this service, the client data created by social services can be stored securely for easy access. The functionalities of the client data repository make it easier to integrate and process any data generated in outsourced services, for example.

Kanta medication list

The medication list improves the safety of pharmacotherapy: the list provides up-to-date information about the medicines the patient is taking. The first-phase features of the medication list can now be implemented in all health and social services organisations and pharmacies.

Delivery of Medical Certificates

The service allows organisations outside the health service to electronically utilise the certificate and report data stored in the Patient Data Repository.

Ammattilaiset tekstinosto (OmaKanta)


MyKanta is a citizen’s portal to their personal health data. The patient can view their own patient and prescription data. They can also give permission for their data to be shared and restrict the use of the data.

Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Service bulletins