Key health data

Key health data

Summaries of key health data in Kanta provide professionals with quick access to essential and up-to-date information on a patient’s health status.

Summaries can be generated from data recorded in Kanta, such as

  • vaccinations
  • laboratory tests
  • diagnoses
  • procedures
  • risk information
  • imaging
  • physiological measurements.

Patient information systems can search for this information and generate illustrative summaries for users. This makes the search for information in Kanta more efficient and increases patient safety, especially in situations where there is a lot of patient data. It is possible to take a deeper look at information based on an individual piece of data you have retrieved. For example, from a diagnosis, it is possible to access texts regarding visits associated with that diagnosis.

Data recorded by different health care service providers will appear in summaries if the patient has given consent to the sharing of their data and the data in question is subject to a denial of consent to data sharing.

Citizens see their own key health data in MyKanta, which makes it easier for them to monitor their health status.

Data is displayed in a summary once it has been stored in a structured format

The majority of healthcare service providers store key health data in Kanta in a structured format that provides comprehensive information for summaries of key health data.

In order to generate a summary, the data must have been stored in Kanta in a structured format. All summary data will only be generated if the patient information system stores data in accordance with the definitions for 2016 or 2023.

For more information about the definition version of your patient information system, contact your system provider.  Systems’ next-level definition version status can also be found on the page for joint testing.

If data is stored in accordance with an older version of the definitions (known as 2014 phasing) the summaries may show only some of the risk information, diagnoses and vaccines. The other materials saved in accordance with the older version of the definitions will not be summarised at all.

How to start using key health data

Several system providers have carried out implementations to enable the utilisation of key health data, and these are ready for deployment. The ability to use the functionality must exist in all patient information systems. Ask your system provider whether the functionality is already available for use in your systems.

You can view the situation of deployments concerning the use of key health data on the joint testing page.

You can deploy this functionality once your organisation has joined as a user of the Patient Data Repository.

Do the following if you wish to start using key health data:

Contact your information system provider to schedule a functionality deployment. At the same time, make sure that the patient information system is certified for storing and retrieving data contents in accordance with the 2016 or 2023 definitions.

After deployment, ensure that summaries can be generated in your patient information system. Read the instructions on verifying technical functionality in the production environment.

More information is available from

Last updated 18.2.2025