How will my data be shared within the wellbeing services counties?

Healthcare and social welfare professionals in the wellbeing services counties are able to use your data more extensively than before. However, the data are only used in connection with providing treatment or a service. MyKanta serve residents in wellbeing services counties as before.

As a result of the national health and social services reform, public service providers that previously operated in the area have merged into a single service provider, known as a wellbeing services county.

How your data are used in the wellbeing services counties

For example, a single wellbeing services county has a single shared patient register for healthcare services. This register combines the patient data of public service providers that previously operated in the area with new patient data generated after the wellbeing services county began operations. Gradually, MyKanta will also show your social services client data. The same applies to the wellbeing services county’s social welfare client register.

The wellbeing services counties may use your data in the following ways:

  • Your healthcare patient and prescription data can be utilised by all public healthcare providers within a wellbeing services county in connection with your treatment.
  • Similarly, your social welfare client data can be utilised in social services throughout the wellbeing services county in connection with your appointments.

For example, this means that your attending physician can view your patient data that was recorded in different healthcare units in your wellbeing services county, if your treatment so requires.

Healthcare and social welfare professionals can offer you the best possible care and service if they can access sufficient and up-to-date information about you.
Professionals can use your client and patient data as necessary in the same way as before. Your data can be used only by those service providers with whom you have a client or treatment relationship and who have the right to access your data in order to perform their duties.

What does consent to data sharing mean?

The sharing of data refers to the transfer of patient or client data between two different service providers, for example, between the wellbeing services counties or between public and private healthcare providers.

How your patient data are used in the Uusimaa region

Unlike elsewhere in Finland, public healthcare services in Uusimaa are jointly organised by four wellbeing services counties, the City of Helsinki and HUS. In order for your patient data to be accessible throughout the entire public healthcare system in the Uusimaa region, you must read and acknowledge the new notification on the use of the data, i.e. the provision of Kanta information.

This will ensure that your patient data are available in Uusimaa, as they were before the wellbeing services counties began operations.

  • Example: You usually use the services of a healthcare centre in Helsinki. Your treatment also requires visits to HUS. If you have read and acknowledged the latest information provided about the Kanta Services, the physician at HUS can also view and utilise your patient data that was recorded at your local healthcare centre in your treatment

If you do not want your patient data to be shared within the region of Uusimaa, you can restrict the use of your data by setting a denial of consent to data sharing.

  • Example: If you have set a denial of consent to data sharing, for example, regarding an individual appointment at a healthcare centre and then visit HUS at a later date, the attending physician will not be able to see the details of the healthcare centre appointment in question.

MyKanta serve residents in the wellbeing services counties

In MyKanta, you can deal with your social and healthcare service matters. On MyKanta, you are also able to see your health and prescription information even if you have been treated in another wellbeing services county or in private healthcare. If you move from one wellbeing services county to another, your data will remain on MyKanta.

You can influence the use of your data by giving consent and setting denials of consent to data sharing. You can give consent to data sharing or set a denial of consent to data sharing on MyKanta. You can also check MyKanta to see whether the consent to data sharing you have previously given is valid and what denials of consent to data sharing are valid.

In addition, you can check when you have acknowledged the notification of information about the Kanta Services or received the details contained in the information about the Kanta Services during an appointment with healthcare services.

You can control the use of your data in the “Management of Data Use” section on MyKanta.

Read more about how you can influence the sharing of your data within the wellbeing services counties:

Read more on the MyKanta.

Last updated 17.3.2025