
What information does MyKanta show?

What information does MyKanta show?

MyKanta will show the information recorded about you in Kanta when you attend health care or social welfare services, or visit a pharmacy.

Social welfare and health care professionals record and store information about you, for example, when you have an appointment with a doctor or manage your social welfare affairs with your designated case worker. You can see this information in MyKanta.

You can also record some information in MyKanta yourself.

In the future, you will also be able to view your appointments for various services in MyKanta. This will become possible within the next few years.

Are you a new MyKanta user?

If you are not yet familiar with MyKanta, find out more about MyKanta and learn how to log in securely.

Data in MyKanta

MyKanta also allows you to see critical risk information, referrals, measurements taken by health care services, information about procedures carried out on you, health care and treatment plans, and oral health care information that have been recorded about you.

Data recorded by social welfare services will be added to MyKanta in stages during 2023–2026.

You can submit a living will and an organ donation testament in MyKanta at any time.

You can save your own measurements, such as blood pressure or blood sugar measurements, in MyKanta.

You can determine how your data are used

When you interact with a health care or social services provider or MyKanta for the first time, you will receive a notification explaining how the Kanta Services operate and how recorded data are used. Read about how you can determine how your data are used.

Data belonging to a close friend or relative

You can also see information about a child or another adult through MyKanta if you have the right to manage the other person’s affairs on their behalf. Read more about acting on behalf of another person.

Last updated 27.8.2024