
New features of MyKanta

New features of MyKanta

We develop MyKanta by listening to users. MyKanta aims to be an easy-to-use service that displays your social welfare and health care service data, regardless of time and place.

On this page, we have compiled a list of the updates that we will implement in MyKanta.

Updates 2024

A new type of certificate will be added to the Medical certificates and reports section in MyKanta: a healthcare report or certificate known as a “nurse's certificate". The certificate can be displayed in MyKanta once storage of the certificate has been deployed in the healthcare system.

The default view in the Health Data section shows visits up to one year earlier. Health data that are more than one year old can be retrieved by editing the dates field. When the retrieval is ongoing, a spinning search icon is displayed on the screen. If the quantity of data to be retrieved for the period given is too large, the user must restrict the date interval for the search. 

The Imaging Examinations, Laboratory Examination, Oral Health and Procedures sections also show data up to one year earlier by default.

Citizens can now save their measurement results directly in the Wellbeing data section of MyKanta. The data that you can record are weight, heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar. Read more on the page Wellbeing data and measurement results.

Updates 2023

In addition to your health and wellbeing data, you can gradually view the data of social services in My Kanta. Social services include, for example, child welfare service, services for people with disabilities and substance abuse and addiction services. The data will become available in MyKanta in stages during 2023–2026. Read more: Social welfare services client data.

MyKanta online service will be updated in stages from autumn 2023. The address to log in to the new MyKanta remains the same: Once you have logged in to the service, you can choose to use the new version of MyKanta. Updates to the new MyKanta can be found on the MyKanta to be updated page.

A function will be added to the Management of Data Use section where users can see who has acted on their behalf or on behalf of a child in MyKanta over the past two years. The data will start to be displayed in MyKanta from 10.10.2023.

The management of consents to data sharing and denials of consent to data sharing regarding health data and prescription data (as well as social welfare data, which will be displayed in the future) will be divided into separate functionalities. Functions that were previously on a single page now have their own sections in the menu. This way, each section focuses on a single issue, which makes the content easier to understand.

The Finnish spelling of MyKanta changed in February 2023. The mentions of Omakanta (MyKanta) in the text on the front page of MyKanta and the colourful Omakanta text in the header will be changed to: OmaKanta. In Swedish, the previous spelling was Mina Kanta-sidor, which is now being changed to MittKanta.

Due to wellbeing services counties beginning operations, changes have been made to services providers’ data from 1 January 2023. From now on, you will be able to see the name of the wellbeing services county as the service provider in MyKanta in connection with your appointment information, for example.

Updates 2022

The latest version of information about the Kanta Services was introduced in November 2022. This information has been updated due to the introduction of the wellbeing services counties, which start operation in 2023. When signing in to MyKanta, information about Kanta Information will open up in a new window. You or someone acting on your behalf will only be able to access MyKanta after confirming the receipt of Kanta information. 

Read more on information about the Kanta Services

A guardian or person with the right to access information on behalf of a minor will no longer have access to the patient care document. The patient care document is found under the information concerning a minor’s appointment and contains a summary of all the minor’s medication (the VLÄÄ view). Such a document may contain information on a minor’s current medication, which a minor who is capable of making their own decisions does not wish to disclose to a guardian or a person with the right to access information. The minor themselves can access the information in MyKanta as part of the patient records. A guardian acting on behalf of a minor or a person with the right to access information can view information relating to a minor's medication in the Prescriptions section of MyKanta.

An increasing number of guardians who have a joint custody agreement can now act on their underage children’s behalf in MyKanta. If an authority has recorded and registered an encoded joint custody agreement in the Population Information System, the guardians will have access to MyKanta on behalf of the child as agreed in the joint custody agreement. If the joint custody agreement is not encoded, the guardians can authorise one another to act on their child’s behalf in MyKanta. This authorisation can be submitted to the online service.

A person who has the right to access information concerning an underage child’s health may view the child’s details in MyKanta. A person with the right of access to information can view test results, notes from an appointment, or prescriptions. However, a person with the right of access to information is not allowed to act on behalf of the child in MyKanta to e.g., renew prescriptions.

Guardians with a non-disclosure for personal safety reasons were previously prevented from acting on behalf of a child in MyKanta. Now they can act on behalf of a child using a authorisation. However, if a child has a non-disclosure for personal safety reasons, then the guardians cannot act on behalf of the child. A child’s non-disclosure for personal safety reasons cannot be overridden with an authorisation.

Updates 2021

In the future, the user will be able to see patient data disclosures in MyKanta, when Kanta information approved by the user in MyKanta has been shared with healthcare services, or when consent information and disclosure consents for cross-border prescriptions have been shared. Previously, this information appeared in MyKanta as 'disclosures of consent information'.

On the Consent to Sharing Patient Data page, you will also see if the organ donation testament and living will have been shared from the user's data, i.e. whether the patient's organ donation testament or living will have been viewed within the healthcare services. Previously, they appeared together as a disclosure of the Statement of Wishes.

MyKanta contains a question asking if a patient’s data may be accessed in an emergency. The question has now been changed to comply with the new Client Data Act.

A link to has also been added to the patient data sharing section, with more information about sharing.

According to the Client Data Act, clients must be informed of the Kanta Services and their rights to have a say in the processing of their personal client and patient data. As from 1 November 2021, an information text will open in a new window on the home page of MyKanta. It will be possible to log in to MyKanta after the client or a person acting on their behalf has acknowledged receipt of the information text. The information can also be accepted in connection with a visit to a healthcare or social welfare service provider.

After accepting the information, the client will be able to have a say in the visibility of their data either with a consent or denial of consent to data sharing. By providing the consent to data sharing, the client will be able to decide whether to share their data with other service providers. The consent to data sharing corresponds to the broad consent that was previously used in the healthcare service. Consents given before the new Client Data Act enters into force will remain in force and they will automatically become consents to data sharing. Moreover, denials of consent to data sharing issued before the new Act becomes effective will also remain in force as such. Consents and denials of consent to data sharing will be valid until further notice and they can be withdrawn.

Consents and denials of consent to data sharing can be issued in the new section of MyKanta under Management of Data Use (previously Consents and Refusals). 

The EU Digital COVID Certificate has three parts, and it includes:

  • a vaccination certificate,
  • a test certificate, and
  • a certificate of recovery.

The EU Digital COVID Certificate has been available in MyKanta since June. Now, the service also includes a test certificate and a certificate of recovery.

All EU COVID certificates are available from the COVID certificate section of MyKanta and they are free of charge for citizens. The certificates include personal data and COVID-19-related health data. Information on the certificates is shown in Finnish, Swedish and English. The certificates include a QR code for verifying the contents and authenticity of the certificate with a reader.

Read more about the COVID-19 certificate

The vaccination certificate obtained from the COVID-19 certificate section has been updated to comply with the EU regulation. The EU Digital COVID Certificate replaces the national COVID-19 vaccination certificate.

In future, a minor child can view in MyKanta the prescriptions and appointments that they have forbidden from viewing by their parents or guardians. The forbidden data is shown in its own table, which is accessible from the Consents and refusals page. 

Improvements in accessibility have been made in the sending of prescription renewal requests. The availability and comprehensibility of sending a renewal request have been improved. In addition, an instruction on sending renewal requests has been added in MyKanta for those using the Apple iOS operating system and a screen reader. 

Summaries of imaging studies and laboratory test data will be re-deployed. In future, the data in MyKanta will be presented as summaries according to the study or test name in addition to appointment-related data. The data will start to accumulate in the summaries as and when it is entered in the new way in the healthcare service.

MyKanta has a new COVID-19 certificate section, which can be accessed through a link on the front page or from the menu on the left-hand side. An individual can obtain the certificate from MyKanta after information about a COVID-19 vaccination has been entered in the Kanta Services in the correct format. The national COVID-19 vaccination certificate contains information about the COVID-19 vaccinations the person has received. If the person has the certificate, it will open in a new tab in PDF format.

The front page of the service has been made clearer. More detailed information about MyKanta and recording of data in the Kanta Services has been added to the page. The user is reminded about secure use and logging out of the service.

An adult and fully authorised person may act on behalf of another adult in MyKanta. For example, an elderly person, a person who is temporarily ill or a person who finds it difficult to use a new service may need someone to act on their behalf.

Showing of imaging and laboratory tests was updated in MyKanta in February. However, a small number of users have since encountered an error situation during viewing of the tests, preventing the viewing of the test results and then logging the user out of the service.

The matter is being investigated and rectified at the moment. As part of the rectification, as from 4 March 2021, MyKanta reverted to showing all laboratory and imaging tests separately for each appointment until further notice.

MyKanta has undergone some changes, after which health data entered in the Kanta Services can be shown in a new way.

As a result of the update, three new sections has been added to the MyKanta menu:

  • Procedures
  • Diagnoses
  • Measurements.

In addition, the name of the section “Kriittiset riskitiedot” has been changed to “Riskitiedot”.

Previously, the data was shown under individual appointments and service units, but in future the data will be collected from the patient care documents into the summary database, from where it can be shown in MyKanta as test-specific summaries.

The results of a particular test can be shown as a summary in stages when the data entered in the Kanta Services has been entered in the new way in the healthcare service. Some healthcare organisations are already using a patient data system that enables this kind of entry.

MyKanta has undergone some changes, after which imaging studies and laboratory tests entered in the Kanta Services can be shown in a new way. 

Previously, the data was shown under individual appointments and service units, but in future the data will be collected from the patient care documents into the summary database, from where it can be shown in MyKanta as test-specific summaries.

In the section Imaging Studies and Laboratory Tests, the data is presented in two different ways at first: some of the data is shown according to the name of the study and some according to the appointment time. 

The results of a particular test can be shown as a summary in stages when the data entered in the Kanta Services has been entered in the new way in the healthcare service. Some healthcare organisations are already using a patient data system that enables this kind of entry. 

MyKanta has undergone some changes, after which vaccinations entered in the Kanta Services can be shown in a new way. As a result of the update, a new section has been added to the MyKanta menu: Vaccinations.

Previously, vaccination data was shown in the Health Data section with respect to each appointment and service unit. However, in future the data will be collected from the patient care documents into the summary database, from where it can be shown as summaries in the new Vaccinations section. 

Vaccination data will accumulate in the summaries in stages when the data entered in the Kanta Services has been recorded in the new way in the healthcare service. Some healthcare organisations are already using a patient data system that enables this kind of recording.

Technical changes have been made in the identification method used by MyKanta. During identification, the service name is “Kanta Services for personal customers”. During identification into the service, there is a momentary grey page on the computer and a white page on the mobile, after which the page will automatically change to the selection of identification method.

Updates 2020

The healthcare services can start producing data for viewing also by the parents and guardians of minors over 10 years of age. Until now, a parent or guardian has only been able to view the data concerning a child under 10 years of age in MyKanta. The new feature will become available as and when the healthcare organisations deploy the changes in their own patient data systems.

Finnish e-prescriptions can be used for buying medicines from pharmacies in those European countries that are able to dispense electronic prescriptions issued in another country. Until now, this has been possible in pharmacies in Estonia and Croatia. Now also Portugal joined the scheme.

Finnish e-prescriptions can be used for buying medicines from pharmacies in those European countries that are able to dispense electronic prescriptions issued in another country. Until now, this has been possible in pharmacies in Estonia and Croatia. Soon, Portugal will also be joining the scheme.

The prescription data can be made available to an overseas pharmacy only with the patient’s consent. The consent to using the service is given in MyKanta. As from 28 May, Portugal will also be listed in the consent menu in MyKanta.

Renewal of prescriptions

The selection of the recipient of prescription renewal requests has been improved. Making a selection will no longer result in the reloading of the entire page, and after the selection the page will remain in the same section. The column heading “Remove” has been added to the list of selected prescriptions, and the detection of notices on the screen reader has been improved with accessibility techniques.

Printing of prescriptions

Information concerning which printout is acceptable for an overseas trip has been added to the information text for the printing of prescriptions. Further information about medicines and prescriptions to be brought along when travelling abroad is also available in the Abroad section.

Other changes

The icons for the opening and closing of the navigation menu in MyKanta have been changed to arrows in line with the style of the Kanta Services. In addition, the shade of grey in non-active buttons has been changed to a darker contrast to distinguish it better from the background colour.

The performance of MyKanta has also been improved, and other smaller changes and error fixes have been implemented.

The “Medicines taken” function has been added under Wellbeing data in MyKanta. Information about medicines taken can be seen by persons who have signed in to MyKanta, are using the wellbeing app and have given permission for it to record the medicines taken in the Kanta PHR. These kinds of applications are still in their development stage.

The language option has been set in the HTML code in MyKanta for the purpose of screen readers. The screen reader selects the language used by the speech synthesizer on the basis of the language selection. If the definition is missing or it does not correspond to the language of the user interface and contents, the text on the website will be pronounced according to the practices of a wrong language. The change meets the accessibility criterion in section 3.1.1 Language of Page of the WCAG 2.1 web content accessibility guidelines.

The colour of text links in the service has been changed to comply with the accessibility criterion in section 1.4.3 Contrast (at least 4.5:1) in WCAG 2.1. The technical accessibility of the links has also been improved with screen readers.

The user’s name has previously shown both on the header and the content pages of the service. In future, the name will show only on the front page of the service and the front page of acting on behalf of someone in addition to the header. This is in line with the other services requiring login.

In addition, the function of selecting wellbeing data and the error message of free-form text fields in the service have also been improved.

Updates 2019

Users of MyKanta will now see the tests separated into imaging and laboratory tests. They can browse their own test results in the service through the Health Data section in left navigation.

Users can view the results of tests carried out in the healthcare service through the Health Data menu in MyKanta. Imaging tests and laboratory tests are now available to view under separate titles. The data can be browsed according to the name of the test and the time of visit.

You can browse the tests through the list of visits shown on the Health Data page. The data on the page can be filtered with the subjects “radiology” or “laboratory”. The column through which it was previously possible to access tests related to the visit has now been removed from the table shown on the page.

The user will now see additional information connected with optometry in the Medical Records section, e.g. explanations for abbreviations and terms.

Certificates and reports are now shown in a single column and the print functions of the prescription list and medical records have been improved. Additionally, a link to the page 'Updates in MyKanta' has been added on the MyKanta front page.

When renewing prescriptions, the interface now permits entry of longer phone numbers (max 20 characters). Additionally, performance, accessibility and usability have been improved, and other smaller changes and corrections of errors have been made.

Updates 2018

  • Persons aged 18 and over can now use MyKanta to give their consent to the disclosure of their prescription details to pharmacies in other European countries. The consent is valid indefinitely and can be revoked at any time on MyKanta.
  • Users of the wellbeing section on MyKanta can view personal plans and complete self-assessment questionnaires. Personalised content in this section is available to MyKanta users aged 16 and over who use a wellbeing app that stores plans and questionnaires in MyKanta PHR.
  • UI improvements
    • The mobile homepage for actions that can be taken on behalf of a minor features a set of quick links.
    • Other improvements for mobile users
  • Functionality to display information on personal wellbeing
    • A link to information on personal wellbeing is shown in the menu for all users over age 16 but is for the moment only activated for MyKanta users who use the Virtual Hospital Health Village (“Terveyskylä”) service and who enter information into MyKanta Personal Health Record. Learn more about the MyKanta Personal Health Record.
  • Changes to rules governing the release of health information
    • Health and prescription records are updated to show if they are accessed in an emergency by overriding existing consents and refusals.
    • Improved display of data collected from notifications of data release.
  • Small UI changes and improvements
    • Link added to the Swedish-language website of the Alzheimer Society of Finland.
    • The range of allowed characters is specified in organ donation testaments and living wills.
  • Improvements related to the browsing of data:
    • In health data, appointments can now be searched according to the diagnosis. All the diagnoses that have been saved in the user’s data in the Kanta Services can be selected in the search function.
    • The separate Diagnoses page has been removed.
  • Other changes:
    • The service has a new look.
    • MyKanta is now more scalable and it also performs better on mobile devices. The development of mobile use will be continued further during the course of this year.
  • Improvements related to the browsing of data:
    • In health data, appointments can now be searched according to the subject of the patient record.
    • In health data, the time when the data related to the appointment in question has last been edited is shown on the list of appointments. This makes it easier to find the latest appointment data.
  • Improvements related to the display and browsing of data:
    • Browsing of appointment data:
      • All appointments can now be browsed on the Medical records page and appointments can be searched according to a specified period. The page for Visits and treatment periods has been removed.
      • Appointments not involving the patient record text shown in MyKanta (other events shown as blank) are no longer shown on the list of appointments as a rule. They can be viewed from a separate link on the Medical records page
    • Changes concerning declarations of intent:
      • Separate links to the page on organ donation testaments and living wills in the menu of MyKanta.
      • Characters of the Sami language are allowed in the organ donation testament and living will.
      • Links to the websites of the Alzheimer Society of Finland (Muistiliitto) and Terveyskirjasto health library are available on the living will page.
    • A note has been added to the printout of the prescription list explaining that the list is not a valid proof of medication on overseas trips.
  • Other changes:
    • A link to Kela’s online service that is accessed with the same log in as MyKanta has been added
    • Improvements in accessibility and usability.

Updates 2017

  • MyKanta will show the following certificates and statements (in addition to Medical Certificate A) after each healthcare unit starts entering them into the Kanta Services:
    • Kela certificates and statements:
      • Doctor’s Statement B (SV7), Medical Certificate D (SV10), Certificate of pregnancy or postpartum check-up (SV75), Doctor’s Statement on the need for special maternity leave (SV97), Certificate for reimbursement of travel costs (SV67)
    • Ministry of Social Affairs and Health certificates and statements:
      • Referral for observation, Statement of observation, Decision on sectioning (compulsory treatment regardless of the patient’s wishes), Decision on taking possession of property, Decision on restricting contact
  • Improvements related to viewing and browsing information:
    • Improvements and corrections have been made to the viewing of information on oral healthcare. The user can also switch more easily between visits and oral healthcare information via new links.
    • The disclosure details of medical records can be sorted in the listing according to own preference.
    • Changes to service terminology have been made on certain pages.
  • Changes to prescription renewal functions:
    • A notice is shown on the possible charge for renewal, if the user is sending a renewal request to a private operator.
    • Before sending the renewal request, the user sees a summary of the request details, after which confirmation is required before sending.
  • Changes to acting on someone’s behalf:
    • A parent or carer is able to act on behalf of a child aged under 10, even if the child’s name is not registered in the Population Information System. Previously, this was prevented if the child was over 3 months old and not yet registered by name.
  • Users can also view and browse their prescriptions that are more than 2.5 years old.
  • Information about the practitioner’s fee is shown on the prescriptions.
  • An option to print out prescription information in PDF format in a more concise format. A printout is not accepted for purchasing the medicine at a pharmacy.
  • The usability and accessibility of prescription renewals have been improved.
    • After entering the mobile number, it is no longer necessary to press OK.
    • The list of renewable prescriptions now has a sorting function.
  • The prescription disclosure information shows whether the data has been retrieved for the purpose of medicine reimbursement processing or as an emergency query.
  • In the health data, the latest time when the test data concerning the visit in question has been edited is shown in the section for the time of the list of tests shown. This makes it easier to find the latest test results.
  • A refusal document can be recorded only if changes have been made to the contents.
  • MyKanta are now even more fault-tolerant than before. For example, if there is a technical fault in prescription retrieval, the service no longer logs the user out, but only disables the prescription functions until the user logs themselves out of the service
Last updated 18.2.2025