Specifications of the Imaging Data Repository

The specifications of the Imaging Data Repository consist of functional specifications, data content specifications, and technical specifications. The functionalities of the service also comply with the common specifications of the Kanta services, which are only available in Finnish.

The specifications of Imaging Data Repository (previously The Archive of Imaging Data) are produced mainly in Finnish and available in full on the Finnish pages. International standards and specifications related to the operation of the Imaging Data Repository are also available in English. Definitions in English can be found on this page.

Technical specification

The technical specification document describes the interfaces and data formats. Specification also describes the functional principles for the storage of imaging objects and consent and access management.

Table: Technical specification of the Imaging Data Repository
Specification Description
Techincal specification The Technical specification document describes the first implementation phase for the functionality of The Imaging Data Repository and its connections to other solutions and specifications in the national healthcare systems.

Technical guideline

The technical documentation supplements the technical specification documentation. Some of the documentation is available in English.

Table: Technical guideline of the Imaging Data Repository
Specification Description
DICOM Conformance Statement (dcm4chee-arc-cs.readthedocs.io) DICOM Conformance Statement from the DICOM archive provider.
IHE Wiki (wiki.ihe.net) This Wiki is for collaborative creation of IHE materials and ongoing activities.
DICOM nema.org (dicomstandard.org) DICOM® — Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine — is the international standard for medical images and related information. It defines the formats for medical images that can be exchanged with the data and quality necessary for clinical use.
DICOM standardi (dicomstandard.org) Current Edition of the DICOM Standard.

IHE Technical Frameworks 

IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework (ITI TF) defines specific implementations of established standards to achieve integration goals that promote appropriate sharing of medical information to support optimal patient care. IHE Technical Frameworks are published by the IHE Technical Committees. 

Table: IHE Technical Frameworks
Specification Description
IT Infrastructure Technical Framework (ihe.net)
  • Volume 2a (ITI TF-2a): Transactions Part A
  • Volume 2b (ITI TF-2b): Transactions Part B
  • Volume 2x (ITI TF-2x): Volume 2 Appendices
  • Volume 3 (ITI TF-3): Cross-Transaction Specifications and Content Specifications
The Technical Frameworks provide a set of proven, standards-based solutions to address common interoperability issues.
Volume 2 of the IHE IT Infrastructure (ITI) Technical Framework, defines transactions used in IHE IT Infrastructure profiles.
Volume 3 describes the metadata used in IHE profiles designed for sharing documents (Document Sharing profiles).
Radiology Technical Framework (ihe.net)
  • Volume 1 (RAD TF-1): Integration Profiles
  • Volume 2 (RAD TF-2): Transactions
  • Volume 3 (RAD TF-3): Cross-Transaction Specifications and Content Specifications
IHE Radiology provides standards based solutions to the issues of interoperability and information sharing that impact the quality of care in medical imaging.
Last updated 4.12.2024