Technical specification

The Technical Specification Document describes the first implementation phase for the functionality of the Imaging Data Repository and its connections to other solutions and specifications in the national healthcare systems.

The technical implementation is described with respect to the interfaces and data formats (XDS and DICOM interfaces and technical specifications for the key object selection) as fully as possible and as far as the description of the solution in accordance with the common principles for the Imaging Data Repository implementation requires.

Validity of specification document

  • "Valid for certification" tells timeline when the joint testing of the system or the data security assessment will be carried out according to the version in question.
  • "Valid for production use" tells timeline the systems in production are allowed to work according to that version.

The table below shows the different versions of the document.

Table: Different versions of the Technical specification of the Imaging Data Repository document. Updated on December 3, 2024.

Specification document name and version Changes to the previous version Valid for certification Valid for production use
Technical specification, version 3.0 RC1 (pdf) Version 3.0 has updated changes caused by the technical reform of the Imaging Data Repository, updated terminology and updated the structure of the document. To be announced To be announced
Technical specification, version 2.4.1 (pdf)

Version 2.4.1 has eye healthcare imaging studies added, specified the use of the Kanta consent based on asiakastietolaki (703/2023), format requirements of Study Instance UID added and specified the requirements for imaging study invalidation and correction.

For now, from 30.1.2024 For now, from 30.1.2024
Technical specification, version 2.4 (pdf)

Version 2.4 has dental healthcare imaging studies added, updated outsourced services solution and changes of consent management based on asiakastietolaki (784/2021).

31.8.2023-30.3.2024 For now, from 31.8.2023
Technical specification, version 2.3.4 (pdf)

Version 2.4.1 has ECG studies added and management of study copies specified.


For now, from 20.12.2018
Sivua päivitetty 18.2.2025