

Kanta enables professionals to use the data recorded from screenings.

Wellbeing services counties are responsible for organising screenings. All screenings, including those provided by the wellbeing services counties themselves as well as those organised as outsourced services, must be recorded in the Kanta Services.  

Statutory screenings include: 

  • breast cancer screening 
  • bowel cancer screening
  • cervical cancer screening
  • general early pregnancy ultrasound scans
  • screening for foetal chromosomal and structural abnormalities. 

Wellbeing services counties can also offer additional screenings to complement the national screening programme if desired.

Data from screenings to be recorded in Kanta include the service event, referral, examination and examination entries, and a statement. 

Utilising screenings in Kanta

  • Clients can see their results in MyKanta.
  • A healthcare professional can search for screening data stored in another healthcare organisation in the same way as for other health data.
  • Comparative images and results are available to professionals.  

How to start storing screening data in Kanta 

The data generated in screenings are always stored in the register of the wellbeing services county responsible for organising the screening.

When the wellbeing services county provides the screening examinations itself

The wellbeing services county stores the data from screenings it provides in the Patient Data Repository in the same way as it records other patient documents it produces. 

When the screening contains image data

Mammography screening and prenatal foetal scans contain image data that is stored in the Imaging Data Repository.

When screening is provided as an outsourced service

Screening can be organised as an outsourced service, in which case the data is stored in the service organiser’s register in the same way. 

In cases involving outsourced services, data may be stored in Kanta in different ways: 

  • Together, the service organiser and service provider utilise the Kanta’s authorisation of outsourcing service providers, which allows screening data to be transferred directly from the service provider’s information system and stored in the service organiser’s register in Kanta. A patient-specific authorisation or a registry-specific authorisation of the outsourced service with access rights can be used for screenings.
  • The service provider can also deliver recorded screening data to the service organiser’s patient information system, from where it is stored in Kanta. For example, screening performed as laboratory testing that does not involve a referral may also be forwarded through other electronic channels. This may require system development.
Last updated 18.2.2025