Imaging documents

Imaging documents

Imaging documents are stored in Kanta and supplement the imaging materials stored there. This means that treatment documents and images are available to professionals in a single place.

The storing of imaging documents is a functionality of the Patient Data Repository where patient care documents produced in connection with imaging studies are entered in the Kanta Services Care documents include requests, study entries and reports.

Imaging care documents are linked to images stored in the Imaging Data Repository. This means that professionals are able to view both the patient’s imaging results and the associated care documents in a single place.

Imaging care documents stored in Kanta are also displayed to the patient in MyKanta. Easy access to information encourages patients to commit to their care.

How to start storing imaging documents

It is possible to store imaging documents once the Patient Data Repository has been deployed. 

If your organisation wishes to start saving imaging documents:

Check with your information system provider whether the functionality can be deployed on the information system you are using.

The patient information system or RIS must be certified and joint tested separately with imaging care documents. Systems which have undergone joint testing can be found on the Patient Data Repository Status page.

Perform a deployment test with your information system provider. The test involves entering the data for a specified test case at a predetermined time.

Send a report of a successful deployment test to Kela no later than two business days after the test.

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