Healthcare appointments

Healthcare appointments

In the future, healthcare appointments will be saved in the Kanta Services. This will give social welfare and healthcare professionals a better view of the client’s situation and avoid any overlapping appointments.

Appointment visibility is one of the most popular features that clients wish to see implemented in MyKanta. This will be possible in 2026, when the Kanta Services will collect all healthcare appointment information in one place.

Overlapping work decreases if professionals are able to see a full overview of the client’s appointments in Kanta. The change also aims to reduce the number of no-show appointments.

The saving of appointments in the Kanta Services is regulated by the Client Data Act. 

How can appointment information be used in Kanta? 

Professionals caring for a client can search Kanta for information on the client’s appointments booked with other organisations. For example, in specialised medical care, professionals are also able to view the client’s appointments with primary healthcare services. A treatment relationship with the client is always required in order to view appointment information.

Only appointments that are communicated to the client will be stored in Kanta. It is possible to prevent the client from seeing administrative appointments related to multiple appointments, such as a schedule for surgery. The appointments for services under special protection, such as psychiatry and clinical genetics, take into account the special characteristics of such services. 

The patient will be able to see their appointments centrally in MyKanta. They will also be able to access the system for managing appointments via MyKanta if, for example, they wish to reschedule or cancel their appointment.

Appointment information is stored in Kanta via patient information systems. For this reason, deployments are dependent on implementations and related schedules in patient information systems.  

Frequently asked questions about appointments 

Searching for appointment information in the Patient Data Repository always requires a treatment relationship or other appropriate connection with the patient. Assigned access rights and user roles for healthcare professionals using the patient information system are managed locally within the healthcare provider organisations. 

Appointments booked with other organisations can be viewed by searching for them via Kanta. Appointments to be communicated to the client are stored in Kanta. 

Appointments booked with other organisations can be accessed based on the same principles as other data stored in Kanta. The visibility of the data is affected by the customer’s consent to data sharing and any denials of consent to data sharing issued. 

Appointments with psychiatric services can be accessed via Kanta, but viewing them is protected by a separate confirmation request, and processing the data will generate a separate entry in the processing log data. Psychiatry is one of the services under special protection.

Appointments will be visible in MyKanta as healthcare organisations make the necessary changes to their patient information systems. The work will progress in accordance with each healthcare organisation’s decisions. Until the new functionality is enabled, appointments will not be shown in MyKanta.

The functionality for social welfare appointment information will be implemented in the Kanta Services and in MyKanta in the next few years. The development schedule will be specified later. 

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) aims to publish the data content of the social welfare appointment document during 2025. 

How to deploy the appointment information functionality

You can deploy the functionality once your organisation has joined as a user of the Patient Data Repository. In addition, searching for and displaying appointments must be implemented for the patient information system you are using. Ask your information system provider about your system’s situation. 

On the Patient Data Repository status page (only in Finnish), you can see the systems in which healthcare appointment information has been joint-tested.

How to start using appointment information:

Contact your information system provider to schedule a functionality deployment.

Perform a deployment test with your information system provider. The test involves entering the data for a specified test case at a predetermined time. We will be publishing instructions and a test case for a service deployment test in the summer of 2025. 

Send a report of a successfully completed deployment test to Kela.

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Last updated 3.3.2025