
Contact details for professionals

Contact details for professionals

We support pharmacies, Kelain users, professionals of social welfare and health care and systems suppliers with issues related to the Kanta Services.

Technical support

Telephone: 020 634 7787. We are available Monday to Friday between 7 am and 5 pm. (Technical problems can be reported around the clock.)

Email address:

In fault situations, a fault report form (docx) must be filled in. In urgent cases you should contact the technical support of Kanta Services by phone (see above).

In issues related to using Kelain we are available Monday to Friday between 7 am and 5 pm.

Customer service

Email address:

Customer service for professionals provides support for example in issues related to Kanta client account or joining into client test service. Customer service also counsels in other situations related to Kanta services.

Joint testing

Email address:

Registering for joint testing and other issues related to joint testing are taken care of through joint testing.

Support for systems suppliers

Email address:

Support for systems suppliers helps with issues related to system development.

Last updated 23.5.2024