
Acting as a legal guardian in MyKanta

Acting as a legal guardian in MyKanta

As a legal guardian, you can act on behalf of your client in MyKanta if you have a e-Authorization.

A person under guardianship may grant their guardian or other trusted person a mandate in the online service or by application. Acting as a legal guardian alone does not give you the option to act on behalf of another person in MyKanta.

In addition, you need separate authorisation to manage affairs in MyKanta:

The possibilities for legal guardians to manage affairs are being improved

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency will promote legal guardians’ access to electronic services to act on behalf of another person in 2023–2025. In the first stage, the persons under guardianship will have the opportunity to authorise and to act on behalf of another person. 

In the coming years, legal guardians may act on behalf of their client without a separately granted e-Authorizations in matters for which they have jurisdiction. 

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Last updated 20.5.2024