Test environments

The Kanta client test service includes two test environments: the client test environment and the production image environment. When a client joins the client test service, they will be given access to the test environment and test IDs for use in the environment. The client test service’s test environments are not intended for training use.

Purposes of the client test service

The purpose of the Kanta Services’ client test service is to

  • support the development of systems by information system suppliers
  • perform joint testing
  • ensure that changes to certified systems function without error before the changes are put into production
  • test configurations
  • resolve production errors.

Client test environment

The client test (CT) environment has the next development version of the production environment. It is primarily meant for independent testing in preparation for joint testing and for the completion of joint testing.

Change testing of functionalities that have already undergone joint testing is also carried out in the client test environment. Content produced in the client test environment must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (eur-lex.europa.eu).  

Production image environment 

The production image environment (PI environment) contains the application versions corresponding to the production situation of the Kanta Services. However, in terms of performance and purpose, it is very similar to the client testing environment.

In the production image environment, information system suppliers and their client organisations can carry out independent testing against the production-level implementation of the Kanta Services. 

The environment can also be used to test the deployment and configuration of certified systems and to identify errors in production.

The client test environment’s Archivist’s interface

The main purpose of the Archivist’s interface is to help in the investigation of errors. The user interface allows you to retrieve, examine and compare patient and client documents and their metadata in the client test environment, and to invalidate all document types that can be examined.

You can request access to the Archivist’s interface in the client test service from kanta@kanta.fi. Please state the following in your message: 

  • whether you need access to the Patient Data Repository or the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services user interfaces
  • the name (first and last name) on the test professional card
  • the registration number of the test professional card (chip side) 
  • with respect to public healthcare, the test controller for which the test professional card is authorised (OID number)
  • with respect to private healthcare, the test organisation for which the test professional card is authorised (OID number).

Only social and healthcare test professional cards with a Valvira-registered 900-series personal identity code for testing purposes can be used in the Kanta Services’ test environments. It is not forbidden to use authentic professional cards in Kela’s test environments.

Before registering for joint testing, ensure that your organisation has enough test cards for the different professional roles.

More information about test cards and how to order them can be found on the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s website at: Certificates and cards for social welfare and healthcare service providers (dvv.fi).

Test MyKanta

The content of the service matches the versions of the Patient Data Repository, Prescription service, and the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services found in the test environment. Testing must therefore take into account that the test environment contains more data content than citizens currently have access to in the production environment. Some of the functionalities being tested are still in development. In the MyKanta test service, data is retrieved directly using the test patient’s personal identity code without requiring strong authentication. Of social welfare client data, the MyKanta test service primarily displays all documents prepared and stored about the client in and after the second phase of deployment of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services.

More detailed information on the data displayed in MyKanta can be found in the documents below:

The MyKanta client test environment is also used for the internal testing of the Kanta Services. MyKanta is not yet used in the Imaging Data Repository. At this time, no imaging material is shown in MyKanta.

Requirements for the client’s test environments

It is only possible to join the test environments of the Kanta client test service from the information system supplier's or client organisation's own test environment. It is not possible to join the Kanta client test service from the production environment.

Separate systems that may be connected to the main system to undergo joint testing must have been integrated in the test environment no later than by the time the system is registered for joint testing. The version of the entity formed by the main and separate system that will be tested is the version that will be taken into production. 

The information system supplier must ensure that its client organisations are aware of and comply with the testing procedures for the Kanta Services in test environments maintained by the Kanta Services.

The service time, updates and maintenance outages of the Kanta client test service 

The supported service time of the test environments is mainly between 8.00am and 4.00pm from Monday to Friday. They are also available at other times, but there may be update and maintenance outages in the environment outside the actual service time. The maintenance window of the service is the first Thursday of the month. On that day, there may also be outages in the service between 8.00am and 4.00pm. Software updates related to the test environments are carried out when necessary.

Updates and maintenance outages are announced by email at least two days before the planned downtime. The contact details used in the announcement are collected from applications to use the client test service. Please report any changes to contact details or contact persons by email to yhteistestaus@kanta.fi.

Monthly testing of faults in the Kanta client test service

The Kanta Services supports independent testing by system suppliers by providing an opportunity for the planned testing of faults in the Kanta client test service once a month. 

The production image environments of the Prescription service and the Patient Data Repository will be disconnected programmatically between 12 noon and 3.00pm on the first Monday of each month. This will allow information system suppliers to test the performance of their own systems in relation to outages.

Sandbox environments for Kanta PHR

The page aimed at Kanta PHR application developers outlines the sandbox environments available to application developers and their deployment (in English only).

Last updated 21.3.2025