Support for information system suppliers

Cooperation meetings and other support events aimed at system suppliers.

Kela organises cooperation meetings and support events for information system suppliers in order to offer information and support, e.g. with respect to the development and specification of the Kanta Services and their functionalities.

Event information will be moved to the events calendar

As a new feature in, the events calendar lists all Kanta Services events and training. In the future, we will publish information and materials for all system provider events in the events calendar.

Search for events and browse their materials in the events calendar.

System supplier collaboration meeting

A collaboration meeting for system suppliers is a joint meeting for suppliers of patient data, client data and pharmacy systems. The aim of the meeting is to provide information related to the development of the Kanta Services and their functionalities. 

Kanta Services are built at a national level by a large stakeholder network, and the system supplier collaboration meeting will compile upcoming changes into a concise package. Other national actors involved in the development and maintenance of the Kanta Services are also invited to attend collaboration meetings. Permanent members include: The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency DVV, and Valvira.

The first part of each supplier collaboration meeting is reserved for discussing topical issues that apply to all parties. At the end of the morning meeting, a healthcare info session is provided for system suppliers. The meeting continues in the afternoon with a social welfare service info session for system suppliers, which you can attend via a separate event linked to the supplier collaboration meeting. 
System supplier collaboration meetings in 2025

The events and the related materials are available in Finnish only.

System supplier collaboration meetings in 2025

There will be five meetings in 2025. The meetings will be held as Teams meetings. 

  • Wed 5 February 2025 from 9.00am to 12 noon and from 1.00pm to 2.30pm.
  • Wed 26 March 2025 from 9.00am to 12 noon and from 1.00pm to 2.30pm.
  • Wed 28 May 2025 from 9.00am to 12 noon and from 1.00pm to 2.30pm.
  • Wed 17 September 2025 from 9am to 12 noon and from 1.00pm to 2.30pm.
  • Wed 19 November 2025 from 9.00am and 12 noon and from 1.00pm to 2.30pm.

No pre-registration is required for the meetings. You can join the meetings via the Teams link included in the relevant meeting event. You can add the meetings to your personal calendar by using the ‘Add to calendar’ function.

Support for Kanta PHR and the Patient data interface for wellbeing applications service

The Kanta PH (Personal Health) FHIR support project promotes tasks related to the processing of Kanta PH FHIR interfaces and data content, plus any approval. The project is responsible for consolidating companies’ and stakeholders’ comments and proposals into a common perspective. Information about the support project can be found on the HL7 Finland Association website.

Application developers of wellbeing apps connected to Kanta PHR are supported by an open Finnish PHR chat community where you can ask and comment on questions related to the topic. The community holds its discussions in English. Kela will monitor the questions and respond to them weekly. You can also contact for more information.

Collaboration forum for oral healthcare

The goal of the collaboration forum for oral healthcare is to ensure that patient information systems respond to the needs of oral healthcare in terms of uniform data entry practices for recording data, other operating models and specified data structures. The forum is aimed at oral healthcare information system suppliers and it is organised by Kela and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL.

Information system supplier experts who have been involved in previous collaboration forums for oral healthcare are automatically invited to the collaboration forum for oral healthcare. New attendees can sign up to the forum by sending email to Put “Registration for the collaboration forum for oral healthcare” as the subject of your message and include your name, email address, mobile phone number, and the organisation you represent in the message text. In the future, you can also access the forum via the Event Calendar on

The collaboration forum for oral healthcare will be held as a Teams meeting. The next forum will be held in February 2025.

Other support for system suppliers

Events are also organised, e.g. in relation to the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services and the patient data repository for oral healthcare. An extensive list of support events aimed at system suppliers is available on the Finnish language page.


Last updated 18.2.2025