

The spirometry profiles are not yet used in any application.

The data contents are the observation and diagnosticReport resource type of the FHIR standard. Read more about the observation resource (hl7.org). Read more about the diagnosticReport resource (hl7.org).

Omatietovarannon suunnitelmien profiilien määrittelyt.

Taulukko sisältää profiilikohtaiset määrittelyt Omatietovarannon suunnitelmille. Joka kyselyn kohdalla on linkki implementointioppaaseen sekä kyselyn FHIR määritykseen

Data content Specifications Description

Spirometry study


Implementation guide for the spirometry study profile (simplifier.net)

Spirometry study FHIR profile (simplifier.net)

Spirometry Study profile for many kinds of lung function studies such as self-made PEF monitoring and post-bronchodilatation.

Spirometry measurement


Implementation guide for the spirometry measurement profile (simplifier.net)

Spirometry measurement FHIR profile (simplifier.net)

This profile is used to present properties of a spirometry measurement. It has a reference to representative results of the measurement.

Spirometry result

Implementation guide fort the spirometry result profile (simplifier.net)

Spirometry result FHIR profile (simplifier.net)

One or more values measured in blowout, e.g. PEF, FEV1, FEV6, FEV1FEV6, FVC or FEV1FVC.

Spirometry breath

Implementation guide for the spirometry breath profile (simplifier.net)

Spirometry breath FHIR profile(simplifier.net)

The profile describes a single breath. Breathing refers to the profile that contains the results of the breath.

Last updated 18.2.2025