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Kanta-palvelujen vaatimusmäärittelyt, tietosisällöt ja tekniset ohjeet tietojärjestelmätoimittajille.

Common specifications

Specifications concerning several Kanta Services are gathered on this page. Service-specific specifications, descriptions and instructions for individual services are found on the separate specification pages of each service.


The requirement specification for the Prescription Service includes the use cases, requirements and data contents of pharmacy and patient information systems, as well as HL7 specifications for prescriptions.

Pharmaceutical Database

The Pharmaceutical Database is part of the Kanta Services. It contains information that is necessary in terms of prescribing and dispensing medicines, their price and reimbursement status, and about interchangeable pharmaceutical preparations.

Patient Data Repository

Functional specifications, data contents and technical instructions of the Patient Data Repository

Imaging Data Repository

Functional, technical and data content specifications for the Imaging Data Repository.

Definitions for the client data repository for social welfare services

Definitions for the client data repository for social welfare services include the solution architecture, functional specifications, data content specifications and technical interface descriptions for the social welfare information systems and national information system services related to the Kanta services.

COVID-19 vaccination certificates

This page contains information about the COVID-19 vaccination certificate for system developers. The specifications related to the processing of COVID-19 vaccination certificates for patient data systems and instructions for verifying the authenticity of the national COVID-19 vaccination certificate are available on the subpages.

Kanta PHR

Personal Health Record is a national data repository in which citizens may enter information on their health and wellbeing.

European health services

European health services help to transfer prescription and patient data between different European countries. The specifications for European health services describe the requirements set for information systems.

Feedback on specifications

Kanta Services request feedback on the new and changing Kanta service specifications.