Joint testing parties and responsibilities

Kela organises joint testing, and the information system provider participates in the joint testing as the system manufacturer. Some tests also involve the information system provider’s client organisation, which carries out the test cases prepared for them. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency provides the necessary certificates and test professional cards.

Kela’s role and responsibilities

Kela is responsible for organising the joint testing and all related practical measures. These include

  • Maintenance of Kela’s test environments
  • Management and distribution of test identity codes used in Kela’s test environments
  • Production of test material 
  • Planning of joint testing
  • Creation and maintenance of test cases
  • Maintenance of workspaces for joint testing
  • Coordination of joint testing
  • Review and approval of test cases
  • Preparation of the joint testing statement and report.

Kela will approve a system provider for joint testing once the supplier has

  • provided Kela with all the information required for the planning and implementation of joint testing
  • demonstrated that the system is ready for joint testing with the preliminary test cases together with the registration form.

To test the information system, Kela will select a cross-testing party from the certified information systems so that the non-certified system can perform joint testing. Kela will agree with the parties on the schedule for cross-testing.

Kela is bound by secrecy with regard to confidential information that it has learned from the information system during joint testing. Such information includes, for example, trade secrets, which are also subject to a prohibition of use. During joint testing, Kela processes information from information systems carefully and confidentially.

Role and responsibilities of the information system provider

The information systems joining the Kanta Services must meet the key requirements concerning interoperability, data security, data protection and functionality. The supplier is also responsible for the technical functionality of the information system, which includes:

  • usability
  • performance
  • the ability to generate valid documents and generate CDA R2 messages to specifications
  • the ability to generate FHIR messages.

Kela provides information system providers with a validation service to assist in product development, which can be used to check whether the data structures of a document have been formed correctly.

Please ensure the following before registering for joint testing

Before registering for joint testing, it is the system supplier’s responsibility to make sure that it has

  • familiarised itself with the national certification process and the joint testing material on the website 
  • joined the Kanta client test service 
  • committed to complying with the Kanta client test service etiquette  and ensure that its client organisation is also familiar with the client test service etiquette
  • acquired credentials to log in to the Kumppanit workspace
  • obtained test professional cards and test server and test system signature certificates required for testing from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency
  • completed the development of the functionality to undergo joint testing
    • Joint testing ensures the interoperability of a production-ready system, and the functionality under testing will no longer be developed during joint testing.
  • tested their own implementation sufficiently both in their own test environment and in the client test environment of the Kanta Services before registering for joint testing
    • With sufficient system testing, the system provider ensures that the information system is prepared for joint testing.
  • ensured that the information system to undergo joint testing corresponds to a production-like entity. 
    • If several different components or systems are involved in the formation of the data stored in the Kanta Services, the individual parts are not joint-tested; rather the entire system entity that produces the data stored in the Kanta Services will be tested. The preliminary test cases on the registration form must also be completed using an information system entity similar to the production system. This procedure ensures that joint testing is targeted correctly
  • committed to the schedule for joint testing.

If the functionality to be joint-tested is such that some of the testing phases are carried out by the information system provider’s client organisation, the system provider shall find an organisation to participate in the joint testing from among its clients. During joint testing, the information system provider supports the testing of its client organisation when necessary, for example, by filling in test reports. When choosing a client organisation, the following aspects should be taken into account:

  • The client organisation has a test environment where the content and functionality to be joint tested can be tested as extensively as possible.
  • The customer organisation is willing to participate in joint testing and is able to allocate personnel resources to prepare for testing, to carry out test cases, and to participate in joint testing review meetings.
  • The information system provider must correct any errors detected in joint testing, and the corrected system version must also be updated to the client organisation’s test environment, if necessary. Test cases in joint testing will be retested until no more preventative and significant errors are found. Information on the classification of test observations can be found on the Terms and definitions page. 

If an information system provider notices an error in its system, it must immediately inform the Kanta Services and all client organisations impacted by the error and share information about the error and the schedule to correct it.

If significant changes are made to the information system that affect the Kanta Services, the information system provider is obliged to notify Kela of them. More detailed information on the subject is available at:

Role and responsibilities of the client organisation

The client organisation of the information system provider participating in the joint testing is responsible for ensuring that it has

  • familiarised itself with the joint testing material on the website
  • joined the Kanta client test service
  • committed to following the Kanta client test service etiquette
  • acquired credentials to log in to the Kumppanit workspace
  • acquired the test cards for professionals and test server and test system signature certificates required for testing from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency 
  • ensured that the information system that it uses, including any separate systems, that is to be linked to the Kanta Services meets the technical and functional requirements for joining. The client organisation can use the information system provider to support it in this matter
  • committed to the joint testing schedule and is able to allocate personnel resources to prepare for testing, to carry out test cases, and to participate in joint testing feedback meetings
  • ensured that any acceptance testing of an information system or other testing carried out by the client organisation is scheduled in such a way that it does not interfere with the progress of joint testing or the planned joint testing schedule. Joint testing is not acceptance testing of an information system
  • committed to preparing a report on the joint testing on the joint testing it has carried out.

The client organisation is also obligated to participate in joint testing as a cross-testing party after the system it uses has been certified.

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency 

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV) produces test cards and test professional cards for use by information system providers and health care operators. The cards are used, for example, when a system is tested in the test environments of the Kanta Services. DVV also produces server certificates and system signature certificates required for the use of the Kanta Services. In addition, DVV is responsible for authorisations, which are used to log in to e.g. Kela’s Kumppanit workspace.

Learn more about certificates ( 

Last updated 18.2.2025