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The Pharmaceutical Database will be available as open data in the future

Notice - Developers Written on 22.8.2024 All notices

The Pharmaceutical Database has been published as open data on Open data are machine-readable and in a digital format, and can be freely used for any purpose.

The open data in the Pharmaceutical Database are licensed under the CC BY 4.0 -licence ( New Window). If open data in the Pharmaceutical Database is used, Kela must be mentioned as the source of the data, and any changes to the data content must also be noted. Refer to the service description for the Pharmaceutical Database as open data(Opens New Window) for other Pharmaceutical Database user obligations.

The old 2016 version of the Pharmaceutical Database will be provided alongside the 2022 version. The distribution of the 2016 version of the Pharmaceutical Database will continue in order to ensure patient and medication safety for service providers who do not have a patient information system that supports the 2022 version of the Pharmaceutical Database and the electronic prescription specification version 4.00. The 2016 version will continue to be distributed for the time being to intermediaries who have signed an agreement on the use of the Pharmaceutical Database via Kela’s sFTP service.

Going forward, we are asking the intermediaries of the Pharmaceutical Database who are no longer using the 2016 version to:

More information on the development of the Pharmaceutical Database and any exceptional circumstances will be provided by email

Register for the Pharmaceutical Database e-mail mailing list at Those on the mailing list will receive information on e.g. matters related to the production and development of the Pharmaceutical Database service and any errors, corrections, and disruption. Your contact information will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Statement of the Kanta Services Customer Register.

More information on the Pharmaceutical Database