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19.12.2024, Notice
Changes to MyKanta customer service opening hours during Christmas and the New Year
MyKanta customer service will be closed between 24 and 26 December 2024, January 1st, 2025, and January 6th, 2025. The online service provides answers to frequently asked questions. The Kanta assistant chatbot is also available all day, every day.
19.12.2024, Notice
Changes to organisational customer service opening hours during Christmas and the New Year
Customer service for social welfare and health care professionals and system suppliers will be closed between 24 and 26 December, January 1st, 2025, and January 6th, 2025. Reports of disruption can be submitted 24/7 during Christmas and the New Year.
17.12.2024, Notice - Developers
Priorities for the Kanta Services in 2025 have been confirmed
The development of the Kanta Services improves the continuity of care and social welfare and healthcare services, and strengthens the national knowledge base. The deployment of new Kanta functionalities supports the continuity of care and services in many ways.
13.11.2024, Notice
Customers can now also ask questions about MyKanta on Instagram
Kanta Services is adding Instagram to its range of social media channels. We want to provide customers with an easy and accessible way to ask questions about MyKanta and Kanta-related topics on a platform that many people use on a daily basis.
7.10.2024, Notice - Professionals
The European ePrescription service has been expanded to Czechia
You can now buy medicines from Finnish pharmacies using a Czech ePrescription. Similarly, Finnish prescriptions are valid in Czechia.
7.10.2024, Notice - Citizens
Finnish ePrescriptions can now be used to purchase medicines in Czechia
Use of the Finnish ePrescription has once again been expanded in Europe. Czechia is now participating in the service.
23.9.2024, Notice - Citizens
If you consent, Spanish healthcare providers will be able to utilize your patient data recorded in Finland
Spanish healthcare providers can now utilize your patient data in connection with your treatment. You can consent to this in MyKanta.
23.9.2024, Notice - Developers
Finns’ health data will become available in Spain in connection with treatment
Starting week 39, it will be possible to transfer patient data via the Kanta Services to Spanish healthcare providers. It will only be possible to use the data if the patient has given consent to do so in MyKanta.
22.8.2024, Notice - Developers
The Pharmaceutical Database will be available as open data in the future
The Pharmaceutical Database has been published as open data on Open data are machine-readable and in a digital format, and can be freely used for any purpose.
9.8.2024, Notice - Professionals
Huijausviestejä liikkeellä Kanta-palvelujen nimissä – ole tarkkana laskujen kanssa
Kanta-palvelujen nimissä esiintyy huijausviestejä, jotka ohjaavat rikollisten verkkosivustoille. Kela ei lähetä laskujen maksulinkkejä sähköpostitse tai tekstiviestillä.
11.7.2024, Notice
MyKanta is open all summer – read our tips for the holidays
MyKanta, Finland’s most popular social welfare and health care online service, will be providing assistance in health matters throughout the holiday season. Important information will travel with you from one wellbeing services county to another and even abroad with the Kanta Services. Find out how we assist holidaymakers.
6.6.2024, Notice - Professionals
If you consent, your patient data can be accessed in Estonia
You can now give your consent in MyKanta for the transfer of your patient data to other European countries. Initially, patient data will only be accessible by Estonian health care services. This reform will improve the exchange of health data and the quality of care.
27.3.2024, Notice - Developers
Exceptions in customer service opening hours for organizational customers at Easter
The customer service for social welfare and healthcare professionals and system suppliers is open on Thursday, 28 May 2024, between 7am and 1pm. Fault reports can be made 24/7 at Easter.
27.3.2024, Notice - Citizens
Exceptions in the opening hours of MyKanta customer service at Easter
The customer service for MyKanta is open on Thursday, 28 May, between 9am and 1pm. On the website you will find answers to frequently asked questions.
26.3.2024, Notice - Developers
Kantaan voi tallentaa uusia kuva-aineistoja
Kantaan voi nyt tallentaa suun intraoraalikuvia, optisen alan kuvia ja laboratoriojärjestelmällä tehtyjä EKG-tutkimuksia. Terveydenhuolto voi tiedustella käyttöönoton aikataulua järjestelmätoimittajaan.
25.3.2024, Notice - Developers
Kommentoi Potilastiedon arkiston määrittelyjä vanhoista tiedoista ja yksityisten palvelunantajien toiminnan päättymisestä viimeistään 12.4.
Kanta-palvelut ja Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos pyytävät asiakas- ja potilastietojärjestelmien toimittajilta sekä terveydenhuollon toimijoilta kommentteja määrittelyihin. Pyydämme vastauksia 25.3.–12.4.2024 välisenä aikana.
20.3.2024, Notice - Developers
Data communication links to Kanta access points will be updated in phases in 2024
The specifications for the technical connection models for the Kanta Services have been updated with further information. This information requires the organisations who administer the Kanta access points to take action.
19.3.2024, Notice - Professionals
Order a new MyKanta brochure for free – please discard old brochures
Please check that your workplace has the latest MyKanta brochure available. Printed brochures are available in Finnish and Swedish. Other language versions are available for download at
7.3.2024, Notice - Developers
The certification process pages have been updated based on client feedback
We redesigned the pages describing the certification process based on client feedback from IT system providers, among other things. The certification process is for verifying the compliance of social welfare and health care services’ IT systems with the relevant requirements.
12.2.2024, Notice - Citizens
You can now record your measurement results in MyKanta
The MyKanta online service is being developed, and now everyone can record their measurement results directly in MyKanta. The first data that you can record are your weight, heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar.