Some cookies are essential for the functionality of the website and are automatically activated when you use the service. You also accept the use of cookies when you open a chat. Essential cookies cannot be declined. The data will not be passed on to third parties.
The website has temporarily disabled visitor tracking cookies (Piwik Pro). Visitors are currently not asked whether they consent to cookies because the only cookies in use at present are essential cookies that are automatically activated.
Cookies used on
Essential cookies are automatically activated when you use the service. They guarantee that the service works correctly. Cookies also allow the service to remember the preferences you have selected. The data will not be passed on to third parties.
A publishing system cookie that is able to link temporary information with the actions performed by the user. The cookie expires when the browsing session ends.
A publishing system cookie that stores information on whether or not the user has enabled cookies in their browser settings. The cookie is valid for one year.
A publishing system cookie that stores information on the user’s language preferences. The cookie is valid for one year.
A publishing system cookie that identifies a user that has logged in to the service. The cookie expires when the browsing session ends.
i18nextLng (local storage)
A user interface application cookie that allows the user's language selection to remain the same for the duration of the session. The cookie expires when the browsing session ends.
Emphasises the reading of error messages for users of screen readers and other assistive technologies. Using these cookies, this emphasis can be disabled after the first time they appear. The cookie expires when the browsing session ends.
A cookie related to ensuring data security. The cookie expires when the browsing session ends.
A cookie related to data communications security. The cookie expires when the browsing session ends.
A chatbot cookie that identifies the user’s activity. The cookie expires when the browsing session ends.
A chatbot cookie that acts as a conversation identifier. The cookie expires when the browsing session ends.