Situation of the Imaging Data Repository

The situation of the joint testing of the Imaging Data Repository is compiled on this page.

Read more about the requirements for taking part in joint testing on the Kanta Services website:

Situation of the Imaging Data Repository

Ongoing joint testings

No ongoing joint testings

Table: ERA / Atostek Oy accepted joint testings
Accepted joint testings Statement number and date
Archiving of imaging material, EKG 40012023 / 25.5.2023
Archiving of imaging material, EKG Retrieval and viewing the data 40012024 / 29.5.2024
Archiving of imaging material,  Retrieval and viewing the data, ​Supplementary testing​ 40022024 / 3.12.2024

Table: Hamster / Spin Consulting Oy ongoing joint testings

Ongoing joint testings Registration, return date of pre-test cases Testing between system supplier and Kela Testing between client test organisation and Kela Cross-testing
Archiving of imaging material, radiology 10.5.2024 Completed, 7.2.2025 Not tested Not started

Table: JiveX / Onemed Oy ongoing joint testings

Ongoing joint testings Registration, return date of pre-test cases Testing between system supplier and Kela Testing between client test organisation and Kela Cross-testing
Archiving of imaging material, radiology 17.9.2024 Not started Not tested Not started

Ongoing joint testings

No ongoing joint testings

Table: Sectra PACS / Optomed Software Oy accepted joint testings

Accepted joint testings Statement number and date
Archiving of imaging material: radiology

40022020 / 13.11.2020

Joining of private healthcare services

40032020 / 1.12.2020

Ongoing joint testings

No ongoing joint testings

Table: XDS Arkisto / CGI Suomi Oy accepted joint testings

Accepted joint testings Statement number and date
Archiving of imaging material: radiology 40022018 / 29.8.2018
Archiving of imaging material: radiology (testing of system changes) 40012020 / 4.9.2020
Last updated 18.2.2025