

SelfCarePlan and SelfCareGoal

Data contents are based on CarePlan resource and Goal resource of FHIR standard.

Read more about STU3 CarePlan resource type of the FHIR-standard (

Read more about STU3 Goal resource type of the FHIR-standard (

Read more about R4 CarePlan resource type of the FHIR-standard

Read more about R4 Goal resource type of the FHIR-standard

Profiles used in production

Profile-specific definitions of careplan profiles of PHR

The table contains profile-specific definitions for the careplan profiles of the PHR. Each profile has a link to the implementation guide and a link to the FHIR profile.

Data content STU3 Spesification R4 Specification (not yet in production use) Description

Self-care plan

Implementation guide for the STU3 self-care plan profile (

STU3 Self-care plan FHIR profile (

Implementation guide for the R4 self-care plan profile (

R4 Self-care plan FHIR profile (

Describes a user plans for treating symptoms and current condition.

Other profiles 

Profile-specific definitions of careplan profiles of PHR

The table contains profile-specific definitions for the careplan profiles of the PHR. Each profile has a link to the implementation guide and a link to the FHIR profile.

Data content STU3 Spesification R4 Specification (not yet in production use) Description
Self-care goal

Implementation guide for the STU3 self-care goal profile (

STU3 Self-care goal FHIR profile (

Implementation guide for the R4 self-care goal profile (

R4 Self-care goal FHIR profile (

Describes a user goals for treating symptoms and current condition. Self-care goal is always saved as a part of self-care plan.
Last updated 11.8.2023