Transition periods and phasing of the Client Data Act

Transition periods and phasing of the Client Data Act

The Act on the Processing of Client Data in Healthcare and Social Welfare (the Client Data Act) came into force on 1 January 2024. The changes described in the law will take effect during transition periods.

On this page, we will explain the changes introduced by the Client Data Act. We also explain the transitional periods outlined in the law. The law was supplemented on 1.7.2024.

Changes to data sharing

  • Disclosure of patient data to wellbeing apps: implementation in national information system services by 1 December 2024 
  • Disclosure of wellbeing data among professionals: Implementation in national data system services by 1 January 2026
  • Right to information between social and health care: implementation in national information systems services by 1 March 2027  
  • Disclosure of prescription data to wellbeing applications: implementation in national information system services by 1 October 2027. 
  • Comprehensive denial of consent to data sharing in social welfare and health care services must be implemented by 1 January 2024
  • Denial of consent concerning a private occupational health care register must be implemented by 1 January 2024.

Changes concerning social welfare services

The Client Data Act obliges all public social welfare service providers to join the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services. Private social welfare service providers must also join Kanta if they use an information system intended for processing client data.

The transition periods for social care were clarified in the Customer Data Act in the spring of 2024. Social services providers must join Kanta with a client information system that complies with the requirements of the Act by 1 September 2026. 

Social services providers must start the structured recording of client documents in the national archiving service. Data recording should begin as follows:

  • client documents created in all service provision by 1 September 2026
  • video and audio recordings generated in all service provision by 1 October 2029.

Social welfare information will gradually become available to clients in MyKanta. Data will be available in MyKanta no later than when the obligation of social welfare services to join the Kanta Services begins.

Changes concerning health services

By 1 January 2025

  • Disclosure of patient data abroad.

By 1 March 2025

  • Documents prepared by school psychologists.

By 1 October 2026

  • Appointment booking document for clients on health care appointments
  • Documents and laboratory test results related to imaging carried out as part of screening programmes
  • Certificates and forms related to fitness to drive
  • Certificates and forms related to accidents and occupational disease reports
  • Doctor’s certificate on the state of health (T certificate)
  • Medical certificate (TOD)
  • Medical certificate C
  • Copy of death certificate.

By 1 March 2027

  • Patient documents related to health services provided in connection with social services.

By 1 October 2029

  • Daily care provision entries
  • Imaging examination documents generated through screening programmes
  • Video, audio, and optical imaging materials
  • Images stored by oral health care units
  • Images other than those mentioned above.

Further information

Last updated 2.7.2024