Processing a register-based research finding in health care

Processing a register-based research finding in health care

Research that utilises health care registers can potentially discover information that is relevant to the health of an individual person. An individual can prohibit health care professionals from contacting them about research findings by setting a denial of consent to contact.

Data generated in social and health care is used secondarily with the permission of the Data permit authority in the social and health sectorit, Findata (, for example for scientific research. The data is processed in such a way that invidiuals cannot be directly identified.

From data of this kind it is possible to identify significant information, which can have an effect on customer's health or the care given to him or her. 

What happens if significant research findings are made?

  • The researcher reports the finding to Findata.
  • Findata will investigate which person is affected by the data.
  • Findata then forward the information about the finding to the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, where the significance of the matter to the relevant person’s health and treatment is assessed.
  • If the information is deemed meaningful, it will be delivered to the wellbeing services county responsible for the person’s care. 

Once the information arrives in the wellbeing services county, the person responsible for the matter must check the patient information system to see whether the person concerned has set a denial of consent to contacting them.

If a person has a denial of consent in place, they must not be contacted or informed about the finding, or the examination and treatment measures that the finding calls for. Even if an individual has not set such a denial of consent and is contacted, they must initially be asked whether they want to be informed of the finding.

Setting a denial of consent to contact

A denial of consent to contact can be set in MyKanta or through the health care services of a wellbeing services county.In MyKanta, this is listed as a denial of consent to contact based on register research findings. Each wellbeing services county defines its own operating model for receiving and recording denials of consent.

If the client wishes to set up such a denial during a visit to a health care provider, the professional must check how the denial needs to be recorded in the relevant wellbeing services county.

The denial of consent to contact is valid until further notice. The denial can be withdrawn when visiting public health care services or in MyKanta.

The denial of consent to contact does not prevent the use of data for the purpose of scientific research. For more information on how your data can be used for secondary purposes, please see the page Scientific research and knowledge management.