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Data communication links to Kanta access points will be updated in phases in 2024

Notice - Professionals Written on 20.3.2024 All notices

The specifications for the technical connection models for the Kanta Services have been updated with further information. This information requires the organisations who administer the Kanta access points to take action.

Going forward, data communication links to Kanta access points must be implemented as a private network connection to Kanta data centres A, B and C. These changes are to be implemented in phases during 2024. The Kanta Services will provide a detailed schedule by e-mail to those operators who are required to take action.

If you already use a private network connection

For existing private network connections, the aforementioned update will require the addition of a connection to Kanta data centre C in addition to the other data centres.

Please contact your telecommunications, system or platform service provider to implement the change.

If you have a connection via the public Internet

The update also applies to Kanta access points where the primary connection is a data communication link via the public Internet. These connections must be 

  • upgraded to private network connections
  • linked to the data centres specified by the Kanta Services
  • reported to the Kanta Services.

It will remain permissible to have a connection via the public Internet as a backup connection.

The updated specifications will improve the fault tolerance of the Kanta Services

The Kanta Services must remain available to citizens, pharmacies, and social welfare and health care professionals under various disruptive circumstances. The present update to the technical connection models will improve the fault tolerance and maintenance support performance of the Kanta Services and step up preparedness for denial-of-service attacks and other threats.


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