Change situations in Kelain service

Change situations in Kelain service

If you have subscribed to the Kelain service in private use, you can change your contact details or unsubscribe from the Kelain service.

Updating contact details

The information you have provided in connection with registering in Kelain can be updated in the Kelain service. Please log in to the Kelain service with your healthcare professional card. You can edit your registration information on the page where the user role is selected. If you are a private user, you can open the role selection page from the blue header (from the little hook by your name). The registration page is accessed by selecting Edit. Make the necessary changes to your contact details and save them.

Unsubscribing from the Kelain service

You can cancel your registration with the Kelain service as a private user in the Kelain service. The cancellation will enter into force with immediate effect.

If it is not possible to unsubscribe from the Kelain service, please complete the cancellation notice and post it to the Kanta service. You can request it by email at The cancellation of registration will enter into force at the earliest on the day when the form arrives in the Kanta service. Retrospective cancellation is not possible.

Last updated 18.2.2025