Instructions for deployment

Instructions for deployment

Common instructions for deployment of the Patient Data Repository, Social Welfare Customer Data Repository and Prescription service.

Changes to names in the Kanta Services

The names of the following Kanta Services have been changed in May 2024:

Patient Data Repository -> Patient Data Repository (no change in English)

Client Data Archive for Social Welfare Services -> Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services

The Archive of Imaging Data -> Imaging Data Repository

These changes will be updated to in stages.

The Kanta Services have three core services, which can be deployed by the healthcare and social welfare service providers and pharmacies:

If a service provider is already using one of these three services and is planning to deploy an extra service or functionality, it is an extension of use.

Duration and content of the deployment process

The deployment instructions described on this page apply to healthcare and social welfare service providers and pharmacies planning to deploy the Kanta core services.

The deployment of each core service is a process, during which the service provider or pharmacy takes care of all the preparatory tasks. At the end of the process, the service provider or pharmacy deploys the service.

The following matters have a key impact on the duration and content of the deployment process:

  • preparedness of the deploying service provider or hospital pharmacy at the start of the process
  • which service the service provider or hospital pharmacy is deploying.

The deployment process of each core service is described in further detail on the deployment page of each service, which is found on the subpages of this page.

Deployment support and registration

Kela provides a variety of support for the deployment of Kanta services.

All those deploying and expanding the use of the Social Welfare Customer Data Repository will register for deployment so that Kela can support and guide social welfare service providers during the deployment process.

Registration is voluntary for those deploying and expanding the use of the Patient Data Repository and Prescription service.
You can register for deployment at any time you deem appropriate. When registering, select which service or functionality you are deploying.

Use this form to register if you are deploying the Prescription service, Social Welfare Client Data Repository or the Patient Data Repository:

Check out the deployment training recordings and attend information sessions

Healthcare and social welfare service providers and pharmacies can get support for deployment from training documents and regular information sessions.

The document entity “Organisations preparing for Kanta” (in Finnish) explains the preparatory deployment tasks and provides instructions on their implementation.  Service providers and pharmacies can become acquainted with the documents according to their own schedule.

Kela also organises short information sessions in which service providers are welcome to ask questions about deployment. Meetings are held in Finnish.

The training sessions also provide support for the use of the Kanta Services

In addition, social and health care service providers and pharmacies should familiarise themselves with other training events and recordings related to the Kanta Services. In the operating model and operating method training, we provide information on the operational changes required by the implementation and our instructions for entering customer and patient data, among other things.

Application to become a user of Kanta Services

Whenever a service provider deploys one of the three core services, they shall

  • apply to become a user of the service via Kanta Ekstranet
  • accepts the service description of the service in question.

The service provider or pharmacy becomes a client of the Kanta Services when they deploy one of the three core services for the first time. The service provider or pharmacy shall commit to become a client of the Kanta Services and accept the general terms of supply at the final stage of the deployment process of the first service.

The service provider or pharmacy shall commit to become a client of the Kanta Services only once. There is no need to deliver the commitment again, for example, when the service provider expands the use of the service or deploys another core service. The year the client was accepted as a client determines the start date for the invoicing of user fees.

When can one start archiving data into Kanta?

The service provider or pharmacy can start the use of the service immediately after all the necessary preparations and deployment tasks have been carried out. It is recommended that the service provider or hospital pharmacy starts the use of the service within one year of registering for deployment. In practice, the time taken by the preparations during the deployment process varies between different service providers or hospital pharmacies, as their initial situation in the beginning of the process might be different.

For example, a service provider deploying the Patient Data Repository may have the capability to start using the service very quickly. On the other hand, the introduction of, e.g. the Social Welfare Customer Data Repository with all its preparations may be a longer project, in which case the service provider can only start using the service almost a year after registering for deployment.

Further information


Last updated 13.6.2024