Deployment of electronic emergency medical services report

Deployment of electronic emergency medical services report

The ePCRs will be introduced in EMS in stages in the wellbeing services counties following a nationally agreed timeline. The national project group for deployments, led by the Ministry of Health and Social Care, will steer and support the deployment of the ePCR in EMS.

ePCRs created by EMS must be stored in the national Patient Data Repository like any other patient record documents. In EMS, data are recorded in an ePCR through KEJO, the Common Authority Field Command System. More information on ePCRs.

Deployment requirements

In order to start recording EMS ePCRs in the Patient Data Repository, the KEJO system must first be adopted in the wellbeing services county.

The transition to KEJO and the ePCR will mean many changes for the operators in the wellbeing services county, including learning new data entry practices, in particular. EMS professionals must adopt the national standard of recording EMS ePCRs using nationally harmonised structures before the storage of EMS data in the Patient Data Repository can begin in the wellbeing services county.

Deployments is prepared and facilitated by a national project group

The deployment of ePCRs in EMS is being prepared and facilitated by the national project group for deployment, led by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The preparatory work involves the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, THL, Kela, operators in the wellbeing services counties and information system providers.

Deployment will take place in stages in the wellbeing services counties according to the timeline agreed by the project group.

For example, the project team will ensure that the EMS units and other health care operators in the area receive appropriate training in operating models for ePCRs and KEJO data entry practices before ePCRs begin to be stored in Kanta services.

Kela supports the administrative deployment of ePCRs in EMS

Those deploying the ePCR in EMS do not need to register with the extension of the Patient Data Repository because deployment is agreed and scheduled under the guidance of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

However, Kela will steer and support wellbeing services counties in the administrative aspects of deploying the ePCR in EMS. Wellbeing services counties will receive more detailed administrative deployment guidelines through the national project group.

Summary of the administrative steps of deployment

  • Installing the technical access point connection for KEJO in the wellbeing services county (to be requested from Kela no later than two weeks before going into production)
  • updating contact information in the Kanta services Extranet if necessary
  • ensuring technical compatibility using a test patient (900 series test ID number obtained from Kela) prior to going into production if necessary.

Further information

Last updated 3.6.2024