Acting on behalf of someone else

Acting on behalf of someone else

In MyKanta, a person can act on behalf of another person. This requires guardianship or an authorisation. It is important for health care and pharmacy professionals to be familiar with the procedures related to acting on behalf of a minor.

Guardians can use MyKanta on behalf of all their children, but there are differences in how social welfare and healthcare data are shown to guardians. Acting on behalf of an adult is based on authorisation (, which allow a friend or relative to use MyKanta services, for example, on behalf of the person granting the authorisation. The authorised person has almost the same rights to use MyKanta as the person granting the authorisation.

Instructions for professionals concerning persons acting on behalf of a minor

The operating models include guidance on how to, for example, assess and record a child's decision-making capacity. The operating models for health care and social welfare differ to some degree. There are also regional variations in how information is displayed to guardians in MyKanta.

When the procedure for acting on behalf of a minor is in use, the health care professional assesses and records the minor's decision-making capacity during an appointment. If the minor is not able to make their own decisions, their information will be displayed to the guardian in MyKanta. If the minor is deemed to be capable of making their own decisions, they can decide for themselves whether their guardian can see their information.

A health care professional assesses a minor's decision-making capacity in connection with each service event (in-person appointment, course of treatment or remote contact) and whenever prescribing or renewing a prescription.

The assessment is made on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the age and level of development of the child and the purpose of using health care services on that occasion. With very young children, the assessment of decision-making capacity is based on the level of development generally accepted for the child’s age. The information must be recorded structurally in connection with both a visit and a prescription.

A minor deemed capable of making their own decisions may set up a denial of consent to sharing their data with their guardians concerning the following information

  • information related to an appointment
  • information related to a treatment period
  • information related to a prescription.

Information about a child over 10 years of age that does not include information on the minor's decision-making capacity and consent to share the information will not be visible to the guardian.

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Acting on behalf of a minor to expand nationwide

Acting on behalf of a person over the age of 10 will become possible throughout Finland as health care organisations make changes to their own patient information systems. The changes are made in accordance with health care organisations' own decisions. Until the new functionality is in use, a guardian will not be able to act on behalf of a person over the age of 10 in MyKanta.

The new procedure for recording a minor's decision-making capacity will affect pharmacy services. In the Kanta online school, pharmacy professionals can update their knowledge on how the new recording method affects data sharing and the dispensing of medicines to the guardians of minors at pharmacies.

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As a rule, a child's guardian has the right, based on their guardianship, to view the customer information of a child under the age of 18 in MyKanta. According to the law, it is the duty of the guardian to safeguard the child's development and well-being. The guardian therefore has the right to decide on the child's care, upbringing, place of residence and other personal matters. 

The child's data may also be displayed to another person who has the right to receive information about the child's affairs, for example under a custody sharing agreement.   The person entitled to be notified may be the parent of the child who does not have custody, or a guardian who does not have the right to make decisions in the child's social welfare matters.

The visibility of a child's information can be restricted in MyKanta on a case-by-case basis. The restriction can be set up on the initiative of the child or a professional. There must always be a weighty reason for restricting the visibility of data. When a social welfare professional prepares a child's documents, the professional must always record whether the document will be visible to the guardian or not.

The professional must inform the child of their right to deny consent to the sharing of their information to the guardian. A minor may, for a weighty reason, prohibit the display of patient and client data, depending on their age and level of development, and the purpose of using the services. The professional will assess whether the child's request to deny access to their information can be applied.

The professional recording the child's information must assess whether it is necessary to restrict the visibility of the information to the guardian, even if the minor does not prohibit or request it.

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Acting on behalf of another person in MyKanta

It is possible to act on behalf of a minor or another adult in MyKanta. Guardians and holders of a power of attorney can also use MyKanta on behalf of the person granting the authorisation. There are regional differences in how a child’s social welfare and health care data are displayed to guardians.  

When a guardian uses MyKanta on behalf of a minor, they log in to the service using their own credentials and select the section Acting on behalf of another person and the child whose affairs the guardian wants to manage. The right to view a minor's data is verified from the Population Information System. It is not possible to act on behalf of a minor with a power of attorney.

The medical records of children over 10 years of age will be displayed to guardians once the necessary changes have been made to the health care information systems and the child's decision-making capacity can be recorded in the child's information. 

The data will become available in MyKanta in stages over the period of 2023–2026. In MyKanta, the guardian can view the child’s social services client data that the social welfare services have stored on the child in Kanta.

More information on acting on behalf of a minor from the guardian's point of view and on the restrictions related to transactions, shared custody situations and non-disclosure for personal safety reasons can be found on the page Acting on behalf of a minor.

The benefits of acting on behalf of a minor

The display of minor’s data to guardians in MyKanta

  • supports guardians' participation and right to information
  • strengthens the minor's right to a confidential care relationship
  • promotes the smooth flow of information and reduces the amount of mail sent by post
  • allows the guardian to view data regardless of time and place.

An adult and legally competent person can act on behalf of another adult in MyKanta if they have been authorised to do so. Access is based on electronic authorisations using e-Authorizations ( The authorisation can also be granted by means of an authorisation application if the person granting the authorisation (assignor) does not use electronic identification, such as online banking codes.

Managing health matters in MyKanta requires authorisation Managing matters related to health care ( The mandate entitles the assignee to view, report and receive information related to the assignor's state of health and to book appointments through channels covered by the authorisation.

Managing social welfare matters in MyKanta requires authorisation Managing matters related social welfare services ( The mandate entitles the person to view, report and receive client data related to the client's social welfare services and to apply for social services on behalf of the assignor. In addition, the assignee is entitled to receive information on social welfare decisions concerning the assignor.

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An adult who has been appointed a guardian may authorise another person to act on their behalf in MyKanta. If a person has been appointed a guardian, they may

  • authorise their trustee or their guardian to use MyKanta on their behalf
  • use MyKanta on behalf of their child
  • manage matters in MyKanta on behalf of another person, if authorised to do so.

Persons to whom a power of attorney has been given may also grant authorisations.

If the person granting the authorisation has electronic means of identification, the guardian can be authorised by identifying themselves using e-Authorizations ( The authorisation can also be granted without electronic means of identification (, such as online banking codes or a mobile certificate.

  • Managing health matters in MyKanta requires authorisation Managing matters related to health care ( The mandate entitles the assignee to view, report and receive information related to the assignor's state of health and to book appointments through channels covered by the authorisation.
  • Managing social welfare matters in MyKanta requires authorisation Managing matters related social welfare services ( The mandate entitles the person to view, report and receive client data related to the client's social welfare services and to apply for social services on behalf of the assignor. In addition, the assignee is entitled to receive information on social welfare decisions concerning the assignor.

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency will be running a project developing guardians’ access to electronic services during the period 2023–2025. In the first phase, persons under guardianship will be able to authorise their guardian to act on their behalf. In the coming years, guardians and authorised guardians will be able to act on behalf of their client without separately granted authorisations in matters within the remit of the guardianship.

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Further information

Last updated 18.2.2025