Data protection and information security

Data protection and information security

MyKanta displays client and patient data recorded by health care and social welfare services. In the Kanta Services, personal data is processed to the extent that is necessary in order to investigate a fault or error, to process data requests, and to perform maintenance tasks assigned to Kela.

Health care and social welfare service providers, pharmacies, and independent prescribers are responsible for the accuracy of the data they record and for the appropriate processing of the data.

Read more about data protection and security at Data protection and information security - Citizens -
Read more about how to use MyKanta safely: Instructions for safe use of MyKanta - Citizens -

MyKanta logs data on the user's login and acting on behalf of another person. The login data are used to verify identifications and transactions carried out on behalf of another person.  MyKanta does not have any other data resources for storing personal data. Access to MyKanta and/or acting on behalf of another person in MyKanta will be denied upon the failed entry of log data.

Read more about the data content of MyKanta logs and data retention periods in the Privacy policy for the MyKanta log data - Citizens - utilises the web analytics tracking tool Piwik Pro, which uses cookies for collecting statistical data in order to analyse visitor numbers, to gauge users’ interest in various types of content and to identify different ways of using the service. Web analytics is not used in the MyKanta online service, where you need to log in with your online banking credentials or other equivalent identification method.

Read more about cookies at website cookies - Citizens -

Last updated 18.2.2025