
Denial of consent to sharing prescription data

Denial of consent to sharing prescription data

You can set denials of consent to data sharing for individual prescriptions. The data of these prescriptions will be shared with healthcare and social welfare service providers and pharmacies in exceptional situations only.

If you have set a denial of consent to data sharing with respect to a prescription, the prescription cannot be viewed in the pharmacy when retrieving it with a personal identity code. Before the pharmacy can dispense a prescription subject to a denial of consent to data sharing, you will need to show the patient instruction sheet for the prescription in question or a summary printed out of MyKanta, showing the prescription.

Where can I set the denial of consent to data sharing?

You can set or withdraw the denial of consent to data sharing in MyKanta. You can also ask a professional attending to your care to record or withdraw the denial via the patient data system.

You can check your currently valid denials of consent in MyKanta. If you have set denials of consent when visiting the healthcare service, the denials can be viewed in MyKanta after they have been entered in Kanta by the healthcare service.

You can always withdraw your denial of consent to data sharing.

Use of prescription data in an emergency

It is not possible to use data of a prescription that is subject to a denial of consent to data sharing if, for example, you are unconscious due to a sudden emergency situation and are unable to withdraw the denial you have set. However, you may specifically permit the sharing of data in restricted prescriptions with health care in the event of an emergency. If you permit data sharing in the event of an emergency, this will apply to all of your restricted prescriptions. You can give your consent to the sharing of data in MyKanta or in the healthcare service.

Denial of consent to sharing the data of a prescription and European pharmacies

Prescriptions that are subject to a denial of consent to data sharing cannot be shared with an overseas pharmacy, either. If you aim to purchase your medicine from an overseas pharmacy, you must remove the denial on the prescription in MyKanta before purchasing the medicine.

Denials of consent to data sharing do not apply to certain prescription data

Certain data on your prescription can be shown even if you have set a denial of consent for it. Despite a denial of consent to sharing prescription data, the following data will be shown:

  • information about all medicines mainly having an impact on the central nervous system (CNS) and narcotics prescribed for you, as well as their dispensing data, if the doctor is prescribing such a medicine for you
  • data about prescriptions you have requested to be renewed to the healthcare or social welfare service provider or the prescriber
  • information on your prescriptions and including their delivery details, saved by the relevant service providers, is made available for the prescriber and the service provider who saved the prescription, when your treatment relationship is ongoing
  • information for the prescriber, regardless of the treatment relationship, on your prescriptions on which the prescriber is indicated as the prescriber and which are saved in the Prescription Centre by the pharmacy, as well as the delivery details of these prescriptions
  • hospital pharmacy prescription data to the hospital pharmacy operating under the same service provider
  • to the technical personnel of a healthcare service provider, the Social Insurance Institution or the system supplier, data will be shown in the extent that is required for the investigation of disruption or error situations in the information systems
  • for the purpose of reports associated with monitoring, information for the healthcare or social welfare service provider on your documents and their delivery details saved in the Prescription Centre by the service provider.

Sharing restricted prescriptions within a wellbeing services county

As the wellbeing services counties begin operations, this will have an impact on access to restricted prescriptions in public health and social services.

A restricted prescription previously issued by a service provider in public health and social services will be accessible by public health and social services everywhere in the wellbeing services county.

Data in restricted prescriptions will not be shared with any other wellbeing services county or with private health care.

Last updated 18.2.2025