Kanta client test service etiquette

Kanta client test service etiquette

Test etiquette, i.e. the Kanta client test service etiquette, must be followed in the test environments offered to our clients, i.e. in the client test environment and the production image environment.

Purposes of use of the client test service

The client test service in the Kanta Services is meant for

  • supporting system development of information system suppliers
  • performing joint testing
  • ensuring accurate functioning of changes to be made in certified systems before migrating the change for production
  • testing of configurations
  • clearing production errors.

Situations where the test is carried out in the client test environments or the production image environment are explained in further detail in the Test environments page. The use of test environments included in the client test service for organising training events is forbidden.

Test ID and other identification data

Only 900-series personal identity codes issued by Kela, i.e. personal identity codes in the format 010181-900C, for example, can be used for testing purposes in the Kanta Services test environment. The 900-series personal identity codes are meant for test use, and they meet the requirements for the format of the personal identity code, but are not official personal identity codes. It is strictly forbidden to use other than the 900-series personal identity codes in the Kanta Services test environment.

The 900-series personal identity codes issued by Kela must also be used when the personal identity code data has to be entered in other fields in addition to the patient’s personal identity code. These include, e.g. the personal identity code of another person in a separate document and the personal identity code of the parent of a minor.
If you attempt to save a document that includes other than 900-series personal identity codes in the Kanta Services test environments, the document will not be saved and the service will return a notice of incorrect personal identity code. In addition to the patient’s personal identity code, the reason for the error may be, for example, that the personal identity code of the person making the entry is not a 900-series test personal identity code.

In addition to the personal identity code, the use of all identifiers that belong to a real person is forbidden in the Kanta Services test environments.  These kinds of identifiers include, e.g. names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. Therefore, do not use the names, addresses or other actual identification data of real people for testing purposes.

In connection with joining the Kanta test environment, Kela will provide the system suppliers and their client organisations a limited number of test IDs. Test IDs issued for performing test cases in joint testing may only be used for that purpose. Test IDs provided for independent testing by the system supplier may be used freely in testing various Kanta Services. 

Temporary identifier

Temporary identifiers are used in situations where the person does not have an official personal identity code or the official personal identity code is not known. A temporary identifier is used, for example, in a situation where the patient is from overseas and does not have a Finnish personal identity code. Temporary identifiers are also called temporary IDs.

For testing, Kela will issue so-called official test IDs, which are always in the 900-series. The OID qualifier of this kind of test ID is Each organisation is responsible for the administration of temporary identifiers themselves, and Kela will not issue them to its clients. The OID qualifier of temporary identifiers differs from the qualifier of an official personal identity code, and it is in the format:

  • identifier
  • identifier.

Test professional cards

Test healthcare professional cards, to which a 900-series test personal identity code has been connected in the Valvira register for test purposes, shall be used in the Kanta Services test environments. Real healthcare professional cards must not be used in Kela’s test environments.

The test healthcare professional cards are ordered from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (prev. Population Register Centre), which is in charge of the cards. Further information about test professional cards and how to order them is available on the Healthcare CA services website of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (dvv.fi).

When ordering test professional cards, please note that the performance of test cases in joint testing normally requires test professional cards for several different professional roles in the social welfare and healthcare services. These roles include doctors, medical students and nurses. Before registering for joint testing, please make sure that your organisation has a sufficient number of test professional cards for different professional roles at its disposal.

Imaging material used in testing

When testing the Imaging Data Repository, please make sure that the imaging material to be saved in the repository has been created for testing purposes. Therefore, please do not use X-ray images of real patients in the testing, and only use imaging material in which the object of the image is, for example, a teaching skeleton. Anonymisation means that the imaging data used in testing does not include real personal identification data at any level of the imaging material: not in the metadata, i.e. the manifest of the imaging study, in the separate layer in the imaging data, or in the pixel data.

Test material produced in joint testing

Joint testing is statutory testing of interoperability and part of the certification process of information systems. For that reason, material created during joint testing, such as test reports and test materials recorded in different services, are stored in the space where they were at the end of the joint testing. Therefore, do not carry out tests with the test IDs used during joint testing after the joint testing process has been completed to ensure that the test cases are not corrupted.

Last updated 18.2.2025