Phase 2 functionalities in social welfare services

Phase 2 functionalities in social welfare services

Phase 2 functionalities in the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services enable smoother and more efficient use of the archive.

Phase 2 functionalities of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services include:

Recording of structured documents

In phase 2 of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services, it is possible to enter structured documents. A structured document complies with the document structures for social welfare services, which are specified by THL and published in the Sosmeta service. It is currently possible to enter client report documentation in structured format.

When documents are recorded in a structured way, client data recorded in client work and the document contents can be utilised better with different information systems.

Structured recording will expand as and when the document structures are completed.
In the next phases of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services, the aim is to develop the utilisation of structured content in the search functionality and in the data contents of summaries.

Structured recording in practice

In client work, a document must be recorded in the required, specific format before it can be recorded in a structured format. Therefore, the information systems used for recording client data must comply with the document structures and other requirements for structured recording. The archive verifies in the archiving stage that the documents are correct.

In addition to the structured recording format, a display mode that can be shown, for example, to the client via MyKanta or that can be printed on paper to be given to the client will always be recorded for the documents in the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services.

Read more about document structures and data contents:

Processing of mutual cases

A mutual case is a functionality of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services for entering the same client documents for several persons pertaining to the same case.

A social welfare professional decides when it is a question of a mutual case between clients or a personal matter. A mutual case may be necessary when processing, for example, the need to provide support for family members.

Processing of a mutual case in practice

Every client has their personal client account document, while a topic document that is shared by everyone is used in the processing of a mutual case. In the document, the service organiser maintains key data for the management of one social welfare case that has been initiated.

The professional enters in the topic document information about which clients are party to the mutual case. That way also other documents to be attached to the mutual case will pertain to all interested parties, for example, family members.

A client information system used by professionals must show clearly which documents are mutual with several clients and who the clients are. Clients can join or leave a mutual case.  The client will be able to view the data related to a mutual case in MyKanta for the period when they were an interested party.

Read more about the processing of a mutual case:

Electronic signature of professionals

Forms of electronic signature include the system signer and the electronic signature of a healthcare professional. The latter one of these is the phase 2 functionality for the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services.

An electronic signature is used for verifying the signatory and ensuring that the signed electronic material, for example, a document to be saved, remains unchanged.
Starting from phase 2 for the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services, all documents sent to the archive must be signed with either type of electronic signature.

Electronic signature of professionals in practice

The electronic signature of professionals must be used for signing the social welfare documents

  • which significantly affect the client’s fundamental rights, such as, e.g. right of self-determination
  • which are particularly significant in terms of the client’s case and legal protection and which apply to the client’s interests and rights and impose obligations.

These documents include all decisions and statements and a few other particularly significant individual documents. In addition to these, a professional can also sign other social welfare client documents with the electronic signature of professionals.

In order to produce an electronic signature of a professional, the professional needs to identify themselves with an ID card for regulated social welfare and healthcare professionals or for non-regulated personnel and its PIN code, granted by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, in connection with saving the documents. Therefore, the use of the electronic signature of a professional requires a card reader and card reader software in addition to an ID card for social welfare and healthcare personnel.

Read more about the electronic signature of professionals:

Processing of data that is subject to personal data access restriction

In phase 2, it is possible to save data that is subject to personal data access restriction in the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services, but this data is only for the sole use of the service organiser. Data that is subject to personal data access restriction includes data concerning the home town, address and other data that reveals the location of the person and the holder of this data is currently subject to personal data access restriction.

The Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services does not share data that is subject to personal data access restriction with another service organiser, but every social welfare authority must retrieve it directly from the population information system.

Processing of data that is subject to personal data access restriction in practice

Data, which is subject to personal data access restriction and entered in the client information system or the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services may only be processed by the professionals who have access rights to its processing. Other professionals are forbidden from viewing and processing data subject to personal data access restriction.

Data that is subject to personal data access restriction can be entered in the client account document maintained by the service organiser, in which also the information about personal data access restriction is saved.

Data that is subject to personal data access restriction must not be entered in any other documents. If another document contains data fields subject to personal data access restrictions, they will be left blank and a note stating about the data subject to personal data access restriction shall be saved on the document.

Read more about the processing of data that is subject to personal data access restriction:

In the process of deploying phase 2 functionalities of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services?

Information about the deployment materials.