Specifications of the Patient Data Repository have been updated: the Client Data Act requires changes in patient data systems with regard to Kanta information and consent to data sharing
The patient data systems must implement changes imposed by the Client Data Act in relation to Kanta information and consent to data sharing so that they are used in the healthcare service by 1 January 2023.
The new Client Data Act entered into force in November. The Act specifies the requirements concerning information systems. The patient data systems must implement the changes imposed by the Client Data Act in relation to Kanta information and consent to data sharing so that they are used in the healthcare service by 1 January 2023.
The functional specifications of the Patient Data Repository have been updated and published, taking account of the changes imposed by the Client Data Act. The technical specifications of the Patient Data Repository have also been updated and published.
The publication schedule of the Kanta Services has been updated in terms of the changes in the Client Data Act package on 28 October 2021.
Information about the changes in the Client Data Act and topical issues is found in the materials of the latest supplier cooperation meetings. A supplier cooperation meeting is aimed at patient, client data and pharmacy system suppliers, providing information on the development of the Kanta Services and their functionalities. The next meeting will be held on 9 February 2022.
The priorities of the development and deployment of the Kanta Services in 2022 were presented in the Kanta information meeting held for the healthcare and social welfare service providers on 16 December 2021.