Extension of the use of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services

Extension of the use of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services

Once the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services has been deployed, the service provider may extend its use to new data content or functionalities.

The social welfare service provider plans the extension of use together with its information system provider.

The extension of use requires that the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services has already been deployed.

Extended data content and functionalities  

The data content to be deployed through the extension varies depending on how the service provider started using the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services.

A social welfare service provider may, for example

  • start using the archive by archiving old client documents and then extend the use to phase 2 archiving, or to the archiving of client documents in accordance with the Client Data Act's obligation to join Kanta Services
  • start using the archive by archiving phase 2 documents and then extend the use to the functionalities in accordance with the Client Data Act's obligation to join Kanta Services.

More information on the functionalities of the different phases can be found on the website of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services.

Requirements for the client data system

The client data system used by the service provider must support the features to which the use of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services is to be extended. The service provider shall ensure with its data system provider that the necessary functionalities have been implemented in the client data system.

The extension of use process

Extending use of the data archive is a lighter process than the initial deployment of the archive.

When extending the use of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services, the service provider

  • registers for deployment using the form for service providers who wish to extend use of the archive
  • performs the necessary deployment tasks
  • performs a deployment test if required for the extension.

More detailed instructions on the extension of use process can be found on the Finnish and Swedish pages.

Further information

Last updated 30.5.2024