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Services and deployments
Joining Kanta and necessary preparations
Connection models
Information security plan
Certificates and smart cards
Patient Data Repository
Deployment of the Patient Data Repository
Functionalities of the Patient Data Repository
Summaries of key health data
Imaging documents
Archiving of old patient data
Medical certificates and reports
Authorisation for the outsourcing service provider
Oral healthcare
Electronic patient care report (ePCR) of out-of-hospital emergency medical services (EMS)
Referral and epicrisis
Health and Care Plan
Care needs assessment
Healthcare appointments
Deployment of the Prescription Service
Kanta medication list
Workshops for the national medication list
Pharmaceutical Database
Electronic hospital pharmacy prescriptions
Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services
Deployment of the Client data repository for social welfare services
Functionalities of the Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services
Register access right of social welfare services
Old client data from social welfare services
Imaging Data Repository
Deployment of the Imaging Data Repository
Deployment of Kelain
If you are unable to log in to Kelain
Change situations
Query and forwarding service
Deployment of Query and forwarding service
Connecting the information system to the Query and forwarding service
MyKanta Personal Health Record
Wellbeing applications interface
Priorities of the Kanta Services
Client Data Act and Kanta Services
Transition periods and phasing of the Client Data Act
Instructions and operating models
Guidance on the use of MyKanta
Acting on behalf of someone else in MyKanta
Prescription data in MyKanta
Patient data in MyKanta
Social welfare client data in MyKanta
Correction of incorrect data
Prescription Service at the pharmacy
Dispensing the prescription
Dispensing reservation, reservation and single dose distribution
Amending, locking and cancelling a prescription
Renewing a prescription
Dispensing of European e-prescriptions
Prescription Service in the healthcare system
Prescribing a medicine
Amending, locking and cancelling a prescription
Renewing a prescription
Prescription abroad
Sharing and transferring of data
Sharing of patient data
Sharing of social welfare client data
Sharing of prescription data
Patient summary
Processing a register-based research finding in health care
Storing patient data in social welfare services
Operating models
Customer relations and support
Client account
User fees
Kanta Extranet
Archivist’s User Interface
Instructions for fault situations
Action to be taken in suspected data breaches
Monitoring of data processing
In the case of changes
Social and health care
Change situations in public health and social services
System discontinuation
Change situations in private health and social services
Change of controller
Termination of client account
Archiving client and patient data after operations cease
Implementation of an organisational change
Technical connections
Client’s technical data
Kanta provider
Access point and data communication link
Verifying technical functionality
Receiving prescription renewal requests
Frequently asked questions
National operating models and guidelines
Preparatory tasks and joining
Certification cards
Current issues
Maintenance notices
Fault notifications
Events and training
Presentations of events and training
About Kanta Services
What are the Kanta Services?
Kanta and the social welfare and health care services
Health care units using Patient Data Repository
Organizations using Client data repository for social welfare services
A brief history of Kanta
Research and knowledge management
Statistical data requests
Data protection and accessibility
Data protection
Privacy Policies
Privacy Policy for
Privacy Policy for Clients using the Kanta Services
Privacy policy for the MyKanta log data
Privacy statement for wellbeing data
Privacy policy for Log register of MyKanta Personal Health Record
Privacy statement for customers of the sandbox environment of wellbeing data
Privacy Policy for Prescription Centre
Privacy Policy for Information Management Service
Privacy policy for the system for issuing declarations of intent
Privacy Policy for Kela’s brochures and forms supplier’s address register
Privacy statement for national contact point disclosure log
Privacy policy for the log data file of patient data
Web Accessibility
Accessibility statement for the web service
Accessibility statement for the Archivist’s User Interface
Accessibility statement for Kanta Extranet
Accessibility statement for Kanta validation service
Accessibility statement for Kanta online schools
Accessibility statement for Kelain
Accessibility statement for MyKanta
Accessibility statement of wellbeing data for private customers using the service
Accessibility statement of wellbeing data for application providers
Accessibility feedback or request cookies
Material bank
Order brochures
Communication and social media
Social media
Contact details
Customer service for citizens
Feedback and ask us
Fault situations
Customer service for professionals and developers
Other languages
System Developers
Log in to Extranet
Other languages
Log in to Extranet
Services and deployments
Joining Kanta and necessary preparations
Patient Data Repository
Client Data Repository for Social Welfare Services
Imaging Data Repository
Query and forwarding service
MyKanta Personal Health Record
Wellbeing applications interface
Priorities of the Kanta Services
Instructions and operating models
Guidance on the use of MyKanta
Prescription Service at the pharmacy
Prescription Service in the healthcare system
Sharing and transferring of data
Storing patient data in social welfare services
Operating models
Customer relations and support
Client account
Instructions for fault situations
Action to be taken in suspected data breaches
Monitoring of data processing
In the case of changes
Technical connections
Frequently asked questions
Current issues
Maintenance notices
Fault notifications
Events and training
About Kanta Services
What are the Kanta Services?
Research and knowledge management
Data protection and accessibility
Material bank
Communication and social media
Contact details
Current issues
Events and training
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