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Kanta release schedule updated – Act on the Electronic Processing of Client Data in Social and Health Care Services affects progress

Notice - Developers Written on 25.11.2020 All notices

The release schedule for the development of the Kanta services has been updated. The release schedule provides an overview of system acquisition planning and system version development.

The release schedule allows social and health service actors to proactively plan their data system acquisitions and deployments. The schedule supports system suppliers in the timely development of system versions. 

Changes to the release schedule are marked with an x in the last column of the table. The schedule will be next updated in early 2021.

Schedule of Client Data Act open

On 5 November 2020, the Government submitted a bill to Parliament on the processing of social and health service client data (Client Data Act). Under the current proposal, the Act would enter into force on 1 April 2021, but the timetable will not be fixed until the parliamentary review.

The Act will bring immediately effective changes to the sharing of client and patient data in the Kanta services. The changes require health and social service organisations and system suppliers to react quickly even before the law enters into force. We will provide information on the joint testing in as soon as the review of the Act progresses and the schedule is confirmed.

The Kanta services have already made preparations for the changes introduced by the Client Data Act in the autumn of 2020. As a result, some of the other less urgent areas for development have been rescheduled. The changes are marked in the release schedule.

Changes in social service data

The schedule of the Client data archive for social welfare services joint connection model has been clarified concerning production use.  Deployment of the joint connection model requires measures from the party joining Kanta, and client data systems must have support for using the model. 

The schedules for the structured entering and processing of social welfare client documents have been updated in accordance with THL's consultation schedule of document structures. Entering of structured documents requires joint testing of client data systems.

The national medication list is making progress

Schedules concerning medication have been clarified in the release schedule for phases 1 (structured dosing), 1.5 (new technical interface for prescription data content recovery), and 2 (medication list). THL released the pharmacotherapy data management concept in the summer of 2020, and the development of a national medication list is progressing.

Updated release schedule

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