Kanta medication list

Kanta medication list

The Kanta medication list increases medication safety and makes it easier to monitor up-to-date medication. The medication list is deployed in phases.

The Kanta medication list is an electronic, up-to-date list of medication used by a person who has a Finnish personal identity code.

The up-to-date medication list is viewed in pharmacy and patient data systems that have joined the Prescription Centre. Citizens can view the data in MyKanta.

Medication list is deployed in phases

THL has published the pharmacotherapy information management concept, which was approved in September 2020. The first and second deployment phases of the medication list will take place in 2021–2025. The Kanta medication list is scheduled to be deployed in outpatient care at the end of 2025.

Structured dosage and changes in the Pharmaceutical Database

The deployment of changes in structured dosage and the Pharmaceutical Database is the first phase in the deployment of the medication list.

Due to the new version of the Pharmaceutical Database, information about biosimilars will become available. In addition, the new version includes, e.g. data fields supporting structured dosage and a structured separate statement.


The first-phase specifications were published on kanta.fi in March 2020. The patient and pharmacy information systems have been able to register for joint testing since June 2021.

The structured dosage and changes to the Pharmaceutical Database were introduced in the Prescription Centre on 1 May 2022, since which time social welfare and health care organisations must have had at least a forward-compatible system in use. The structured dosage must be implemented in organisations by the end of 2025.

Joint testing must be successfully completed by 31 December 2022. The schedule is being updated.

Kanta medication list improves medication safety

The deployment of the Kanta medication list requires the deployment of structured dosage in pharmacy and patient data systems.

The medication list is based on the national information system services for retrieving, entering and recording of patient data in a uniform way. The medication list makes it possible to create a list of a person’s overall medication in the Prescription Centre. The list shows all medicines in use at once and up to date.

As a result,

  • the citizen has a better idea of the medication they are on
  • healthcare professionals and pharmacies will save time when the list to be reviewed is shorter, and up-to-date prescriptions are found more swiftly
  • medication safety is improved when the patient’s overall medication is clear
  • examination of the impact of medication is improved
  • it will be possible to build support systems for different kinds of decision-making
  • the medication list does not require separate maintenance by healthcare professionals. It is updated whenever structured medication data is recorded in the Prescription Centre.

Development of the Kanta medication list

The development of the medication list is a national project implemented in cooperation with Kela, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, THL and Fimea. The project will achieve functional specifications and functionalities for the Kanta Services.

In addition, healthcare and social welfare organisations, pharmacies and system suppliers, as well as users of the medicine are involved in the development work. The development work is carried out in workshops organised a few times a year:

If you are interested in taking part in the development, for example, by commenting on the specifications, please submit your contact details through the following link:

Your contact details will be handled in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and they will not be used for any purposes other than those described above.

Further information

Last updated 16.5.2024

Child pages for part Kanta medication list